Leupold VX-1 2-7x33mm Scope – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is the Leupold VX-1 2-7x33mm Scope. I have always considered Leupold to be one of the best optics makers in the world. So when I found out their VX-1 line was so affordable, I wondered if the quality would remain true.
This scope answered that for me with a definitive yes. Like all Leupold scopes this one comes with a lifetime warranty. I own quite a few Leupolds and I have yet to ever use said warranty, but it is nice to know that it is there with anything you are investing over a hundred dollars on.
As to the cost this scope sells for 189 on Amazon. This fits with my mindset, always be frugal never be cheap! Up until now I have recommended the Redfield Revolution 2-7x33mm in this class of scope, it comes in at 165 dollars. It is the scope I have on my hand built 10/22, and it is a very good scope. But the clarity of the Leupold and their reputation for decades of quality is well worth the extra 24 bucks.
Why a 2×7 when the world is so full of 3x9s, isn’t bigger better? In this case no, not in scope size or magnification. When you are scoping something we would call a modest range rifle say stuff good out to 100-200 yards, you just do not need more then 7X. What you do what is a very wide fast field of view up close, and being able to drop down to 2x gives you that.
Next up with these lighter guns like my Rugger 77 or say a Remington Model 7 or similar, what is great is how light weight they are. This scope or the Redfield for that matter would also serve well on light weight lever guns like say an 1894 Marlin. I mean the last thing you want it to take a beautiful little 5.5 pound rifle and slap two pounds of scope and rings on it.
This wonderful little scope tips the scales at only .62 pounds, keeping the rifle light, well balanced and fast handling. This is another advantage over the Redfield which comes in at 17 ounces (almost twice the weight) while actually being the same size externally. Again another reason the Leupold is worth 24 bucks more.
So if you have been looking for a high quality scope that will give you light weight handling and top quality optics without needing to sell a kidney to afford it, check out the Leupold VX-1 2-7x33mm Scope today. And it this sort of thing is important to you, it is made, right here in the good old USA.
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at TspAz.com
P.S. – This short video will give you a look at the scope mounted on my 77/357. This is not meant to be a major review just a short video to give you a feel for the scopes dimensions and how it fits nicely onto a small framed rifle.
P.S.S. – It is interesting to note that my old favorite the Redfield 2×7 had major influence on the VX-1 2×7. In 2008, Leupold purchased Redfield and many of each brands current offerings has influenced the other. It seems to me that Leupold took the Redfield 2×7, upped the optics in it, and shaved off a lot of weight. Again the two scopes are almost identical in external dimensions.
Jack, spot on. Leupold is an heirloom scope. You can pass it down. And their warranty is incredible.
I have that scope, and it has been on 3 rifles. It has found its final home on my .30/30 Marlin. No need for a huge scope, just a good clear compact one for a compact rifle.
how do you like the 77/357?
Ha, I kind of feel this way about it http://bit.ly/2eUtz2a
A little note on scopes sold for .22’s verses those sold for centerfire. Most scopes not sold as .22 scopes have the parallax fixed at 100-150 yards, 22 scopes are set much closer. If you use these for close shots (normal .22 ranges) AND your eye is not centered in the scope, you will be a little off. A good explanation can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ziKTDIMCig
With that said I would put this scope on a 22 in a heartbeat because you should center your eye anyway and the glass is better than most 22 scopes.
Cheap rings and bases are much more prone to move and cause a miss than a crappy scope or even a crappy rifle.
https://www.amazon.com/Leupold-Medium-Rings-Matte-49901/dp/B001HN5H3Y with the Leupold bases to fit your rifle are a good place to start.
I was wondering about putting this scope on an AR15 (16″ RUGER AR556). I’ve got a red dot on my AK, and wanted to be able to shoot the AR to a little longer ranges (scoped .270 for long range). Anybody have any thoughts on a scope like this compared to the smaller little 1-4x or 1.5-6x scopes for use on a general purpose plinking and defensive use AR? I like the looks of the smaller scopes and red dots. It’s just that a scope like this might be more versatile (may also use for shooing sage rats, but normally use Marlin 60 for that). Thanks all.
For defensive use I would either go with a 1-4 or 1-6 with a dot and step up to more durability: https://www.amazon.com/Leupold-Patrol-1-25-4x20mm-Matte-FireDot/dp/B00564TY98 and I would add a cat tail. At this level, there is no need for backup irons, they are made to be abused. This is also a big step up in glass. It is by no means a varmint scope but is fine for coyotes to a couple hundred yards and for deer within the limitations of the .223 round.
One school of thought is to put a very decent scope on each of your rifles. Say 250.00 and up with good mounts. Another is to put rails on all your rifles and buy top quality glass with a top quality QD mount. To do this you really need to go to external turrets and keep a record of where your zero is for each rifle. This allows me, with 2 scopes, to have 1-20 power with top tier glass available for all my rifles, for very close to what I would have paid for good glass on each of them individually.
how are you liking the 77 357. I was actually looking at it as a hunting rifle here in nj?