
RedYetiWare Kitchen Shears – Item of the Day — 14 Comments

  1. BTW that end-grain bamboo cutting board is now on sale for 39.99 on Amazon~~since I looked at it when you talked about it I got a pop up…$30 off is a great deal thanks!

    • Thanks that is a steal, I should pick up a second one and will put it on the show today.

  2. Loved mine. I use it outside more than in for trimming cuttings for my propagation bed.

  3. Hey Jack- just a thought, but it would be nice to have all your Amazon items of the day available to browse through in one spot (you may already have this and I just missed it)

  4. these look great, need a new set of kitchen shears i don’t have to be double jointed to get my fingers out of.

  5. A while back, like about last year, Jack mentioned these useful gizmos. (Like maybe November of last year, maybe?)
    I purchased two pair and gave one to my brother. He appreciates them and was kind enough not to try and get my pair as well, he likes them that much, and I plain, flat out find this is a great kitchen tool at about the best pricing point I can find.
    Thanks Jack.

  6. I bought these when you first announced them because the ones I always had broke. These are the shit!!!!

    • Jason ask and you shall receive, I will put out a IOTD just for you on this request. Short answer though it is this one

      If you want the best when it comes to fish ask the Japanese. Simple, cheap and it works, scale them under water to avoid flying scales.

  7. Sold out. I’ve been meaning to purchase these for a while. My last pair rusted and didn’t separate. When Jack mentions something you better jump on it fast or they might sell out.