Vaxxed The Movie on DVD – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is DVD of the Movie Vaxxed. No doubt some will be angry and upset with me for posting this. If so, first please read this, second if you are still mad, I have to say, something is wrong with your perception.
I don’t think any movie has ever been so criticized by people who have never seen it as this one is. I read the hateful reviews on Amazon by people that claimed to have seen it, and their own words show that can’t be the case. So I am simply going to say, why not watch the movie, research anything you disagree with and form your own opinion.
I mean I don’t like movies by some people and some I totally disagree with, say some made by that fat useless waste of skin Michael Moore. Yet I don’t get angry that someone else watches it or recommend it. People don’t go picket theaters that show these movies. The entire media apparatus of the nation doesn’t engage in a coordinated slur, ridicule and LIE campaign about such movies.
No one states in America, that, “this movie should not be allowed to be shown”. Do you really get how f’d up that is?
Of those that criticize this film I have noticed the two most common traits are.
- They have not seen the movie
- They insist it is based on a discredited study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield
My responses are….
- How can you possibly judge what you have not seen.
- The movie is not based on or even about Dr. Wakefield’s study. Perhaps if you had seen it you would know that.
Right now the DVD is available for pre order. I suggest you get a copy and watch and judge for yourself with all the facts. You will notice the movie is not anti vaccine, it is rather a call for more research and safety and testing of vaccines. You say all that has been done, I say, watch the movie.
And don’t go using the whole “debunked” response, because every “dubunking” I have read or heard, ignores the facts of the movie and attacks Dr. Wakefield personally instead of addressing the actual facts presented in the movie. Almost as if the debunker has not seen the very movie they are debunking and don’t even know what it is about.
Lastly that “discredited study”, was not even about vaccines. It was examining a link between things like irritable bowel syndrome and autism. It was a quite long and exhaustive study, multiple other researchers all signed off on it. As in customary consensus has to be reached by all signing parties.
In this exhaustive study Wakefield included a a few paragraphs, almost an aside that, it appeared that there may be reason to look into a correlation between MMR vaccine and autism. The study states that they are not claiming a link, it was just an observation.
Only later when Wakefield came out from his independent research and stated that parents may wish to get MMR in three separate shots until further research is done, did the witch hunt start. In response the UK immediately stopped importing MMR in anything but a combined shot, denying parents the choice. Next within a year the manufacturer discontinued manufacturing the individual vaccines, now denying all parents this choice.
Along with this, that original study was “discredited” meaning pencil pushers at the journal that published it, retracted it. Wakefield was stripped of his license while every other person who signed off on it was not. A narrative was developed that Wakefield falsified this study to show autism was caused by MMR, when the fing study wasn’t even about MMR and that study never claimed a link, just referenced a statistical anomaly noticed in the study which was about something totally different.
Instead of the truth now we hear, “he made the whole thing up for money” from people parroting the narrative, who never read the study and do not know what it is about. In fact every attempt has been made to link anything and everything that isn’t 100% pro vaccine to this “discredited study”, which again wasn’t about MMR and vaccines. And frankly concerns about vaccine injuries have been around for far longer than Dr. Wakefield has!
And you know what, even if everything I just wrote about Wakefield’s study was wrong, even if he had made it all up, even if it was about MMR and autism, it still would not matter as it pertains to this movie. Because again, one more time,
The movie Vaxxed is NOT ABOUT ANDREW WAKEFIELD’S STUDY. It is about fraud inside the CDC. So why not get a copy, watch it and determine you own conclusion? What are you afraid you might learn?
Preorder Your Copy of Vaxxed Today
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at
P.S. – Also note that I am not anti vaccine, I have major concerns about the number and frequency of them in young developing children. I am far more pro vaccine than Dr. Wakefield, but I can’t disagree with what he and his team presented in this film.
Above all I believe a parent should decide what drugs do and do not go into their child’s body. If you don’t think about dragging a child from his mother, holding him down and injecting him, THEN GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
I would bet that more of the criticizers than you thing have actually seen the film. But, as dumb as the average person is, in this day and age, their own preconceived notions were all that they herd, not the actual content. It’s really hard to form ones own opinion when one has less of an attention span than a goldfish. What was I talking about? I need to check my facebo… there’s a pokemon I need to catch.
I don’t think so, as up till now it was difficult to see this movie. It isn’t online, it was so attacked by so many that only small venues showed it. You had to really want to see this movie to see it.
When we went there was a guy protesting, a Dr. by the way. He was very angry and handing out literature. He wanted the theater shut down, no one cared about that though. I talked to him and he clearly didn’t have a clue, back to attacking the Wakefield study that again is not about MMR and NOT the point of the movie.
He was angry, shouting at people who were all being very nice to him by the way, the whole anti science spiel followed by “I believe in science”. To this I said, oh really you believe in science, he was quite affirmative. I said, did you see this movie yet? He said no, started the entire I don’t need to see it speech.
I said, “isn’t science looking deeply at all evidence and testing hypothesis prior to forming a conclusion we call a theory”.
Of course to this he said yes and looked surprised to hear this from a bearded redneck with a neck knife, LOL.
So I said “how can you judge if this film is a fraud or not, if you haven’t seen it. I am here to learn, I would love it if you came in, saw the movie and then explained to me what is inaccurate in it, in fact I would like that so much I will pay for your ticket”.
He got angry, went back to his rant about Wakefield and the study. Again a study that is NOT about vaccines and not the point of the movie.
With my son’s recent diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, any disease is a LOT more serious for him. So the pediatrician and endocrinologist both want him vaxxed for a huge range of things we would never have worried about before.
Our hand was forced it seems, as the risk of any vaccine is far less than the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). I encourage all to proactively learn about vaccines and your families medical treatment in general.
Do not wait until disease or illness comes.
I’ll watch this when it comes available.
Our youngest son, now 10 years old, is also a Type 1 diabetic. He started to show symptoms about two weeks after receiving a batch of vaccinations – age 1. My sister-in-law, a pediatric nurse, has also seen this reaction in other young children. Perhaps a coincidence. But, now my son is a life-long Novo Nordisc customer. We look forward to watching the film.
I saw the movie and though skeptical at first I have to say it was as truthful as it can get. The government is waging an all out war to stop the truth that is where all the negative info is coming from to discredit it.
As a parent of 6 kids, 2 of my sweet little ones got sick a day after the vaccines and now several years later are still not the same. Something changed overnight and believe me its hard on parents with one who got sick but when you have 2 that is hell on earth.
I cry all the time thinking how many thousands of kids have lost the chance to be who they were suppose to be and live a happy life. How can any government FOR THE PEOPLE do this to their own children? Well the truth is out and if after watching this movie you still don’t believe then all I have to say is pray your child or grandchild or niece’ or nephew are not next. Your life and theirs will NEVER be the same again.
A sad and helpless mom…………………………….
Summer, your sadness comes through so loudly in your post. I am praying for you and your kids. I just can’t imagine what you are going through. Blessings to you and yours ma’am.
Well there I go again, I tried to give the morons more credit than they deserved. It’s a shame when a post like I wrote was actually overly optimistic.
Wakefield is personally attacked because he was paid by corporate interests to scare the gullible and uninformed sheeple into a panic. He did not just devote a few paragraphs to the topic in a larger study–he did that, then coordinated a massive and fraudulent campaign on those very issues when he realized how much media attention those few paragraphs had given him.
You can read the work of the investigative reporter who exposed Wakefeild’s fraud and cowardice here:
You will notice the many primary sources included in the side bar.
Here is an analysis of portions of the film that present the CDC content with extreme dishonesty. Notice too that they include all the original sources and transcripts so that you can double check their sources… which is more can be said for the filmmakers:
I am disappointed. I come to this site because I thought you would have valuable and practical things to teach the world about how to live resiliently
and independently. Instead I find a group easily hoodwinked and manipulated, ready to sacrifice one of the greatest blessings the Lord has given us in these dark days for fear of an imagined phantasm.
Rail against the CDC. Smugly pat yourselves on the back for beating the man. Glory in your foolishness.
And as you do, those who have learned to discern truth from error will see this site and know immediately that your community loves the latter more than the former.
Be disappointed and you just proved my point.
What Wakefield did or did not do, and who did or did not back him, is not relevant to this movie, or to the issues it covers, at all, in anyway, shape or form.
Additionally the accusations you throw at Wakefield are nonsense, and the only proof is the accusations themselves.
Let me guess, you have not seen the movie right? So you have no clue what you are disappointed about. And in all of this you will claim science as your guide. Now that is disappointing.
Hey Dissapointed. I don’t get it. Why don’t you watch the movie (which I haven’t seen) and THEN rebut it?
I am completely neutral in this debate and am willing to be convinced either way.
I bet there are a ton of people in the TSP audience who are open to all sides of the argument, absolutely the furthest thing from sheeple. I am one of those.
Bring it on and let’s see what you have. More debate is a good thing. But to chastise us as a “group easily hoodwinked and manipulated” you come across like the Washington Post in how they labeled Christians a few years ago.
Josh note that he did and I will give him credit for this, post something that attempts to discredit the actual movie, rather than Wakefield.
However if you dig into it, it fails. It shows editing that I am pretty sure the producers used to make a more compelling case but nothing rebuts the following facts.
According to documents obtained under FoIA, with the assistance of Dr. Thompson who told them exactly what to request, the CDCs own study showed a strong correlation between Autism and MMR, specifically in African American males vaccinated under 3 years of age, but the correlation existed in every group.
Rather than report the findings, the CDC raked the data removing anyone and everyone they could to make the study say what they wanted to say.
Two MDs who were such strong advocates for vaccines that they shouted slurs at anti vax parents on television a few years earlier were shown the CDC documents, not an edited film.
Those two MDs stated flatly that the CDC was lying, that they both had tremendous regrets for recommending vaccines for children at such a young age, that they would never advise parents to do so again. That they would do what most people who are moderates on this would do, what I myself have said for years.
1. Space out the vaccines
2. Defer many to an older age given there is almost no risk of contracting them at younger ages, and the vaccine risks in young children seem to exceed the risk of infection.
There is, has not been and likely never will be anything to debunk those facts.