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7 years ago

If you don’t want to support Amazon review schemers but still want a good waterproof(ish) speaker, I’ve got this one- http://amzn.to/2ukUkUD

Aside from charging it every once in a while, it lives in my shower and has gotten wet every day for the last year or so- Still works like a charm! Anker makes good stuff and has great warranties, buuuut it is $25 more expensive than the Oucomi.

7 years ago

I’d like to know how you know they’re gaming the system out of curiosity

7 years ago

I started using fakespot.com on your recommendation when I am debating between similar items and waffling on the decision. I put an item in last night and they said, ‘Hold on! We haven’t evaluated this one yet.’ Turns out it got an A rating but I’ve seen plenty of D’s and F’s too.

Roy Ramey
Roy Ramey
7 years ago

Jack, as usual, you have presented the facts for and against and allowed us to make a well informed decision based on knowing those facts. Thanks man.

6 years ago

I came across Fakespot.com, a website that uses algorithms to detect phony reviews on Amazon, and they give this speaker’s reviews an ‘F’.  They also include the warning “Tread lightly, this product may contain a major number of unreliable or low quality reviews!”  As Jack has pointed out, it doesn’t mean that the product is bad, but it does mean that there is a strong probability that the reviews are bogus.  Reviewmeta.com is another website that looks for fake reviews.