Famili Wireless Dual Probe Meat Thermometer – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is the Famili Wireless Dual Probe Meat Thermometer. If you BBQ, cook low and slow or even make a lot of slow cooked meats in your oven (like that Thanksgiving Turkey or Tuesday Night Chicken, you want one of these. For the serious BBQ person though this is a must.
While one probe keeps track of your grill temps, the other keeps track of your meat temps, so you can cook to your desired temperature. The best part is you are not constantly opening your grill, smoker, oven, etc, with this set up. So temps stay consistent, and you don’t get flare ups from too much air getting into your slow gentle coals.
Well really that is the second best thing! The best part is sitting on the couch watching a game with the remote and not worrying one bit about over cooking that chicken. Or sitting by the pool without a worry that you are going to obliterate that easily over done rack of ribs.
The other thing I love is how easy this thing is to use. I am not big on the timers and alarms and all, though they are useful of course. What I like is the simple set up, put your probes in the meat and on in the cooking chamber, take the remote turn it on, hold down the power button to sync the two, and you are off and cooking.
You can see me using this set up while cooking ribs on my new Slow ‘N Sear here. Also note that while this is great thermometer it is for roasting, BBQ and things like that. It does not replace a fast instant read thermometer for your steaks and chops, but that will be the subject of another review.
On a final note I chose the Famili Wireless Dual Probe Meat Thermometer because I wanted an accurate, easy to use, well built set up, without forking out close to 100 bucks. This one has 80 reviews and 92% are 4 or 5 stars. Why? Like most stuff I recommend it just works and does so without a lot of headaches. And for 50 bucks shipped free on prime, all I can say is in preventing one ruined brisket or pork shoulder, it pays for itself.
Remember you can always find the TSP Amazon Item of the day by just going to TspAz.com and by shopping at TspAz.com anytime you shop on Amazon you help support TSP and the work we do here no matter what you buy.
P.S. – This item, made by Thermopro is the EXACT SAME thermometer set up. It is just marketed under two different names. The only different is it is orange, same price and also free shipping on prime. So if for some reason you prefer orange to blue, well, you can get this one instead.