Easy Weight – Fermentation Weights – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day are Easy Weight – Fermentation Weights. I really like these things, though I have yet to order them. They started turning up in my sales reports and I have done enough research to recommend them.
Frankly the idea is so simple that it really doesn’t seem much could go wrong with it. In the past I have reviewed many products for fermenting in jars including the FermentEm 8-Piece Fermenting Kit and the Masontops Complete Mason Jar Fermentation Kit. Both are great products that let you ferment with standard mason jars. The MasonTops product also offers what they call pebbles, small round glass weights to hold your ferment under the brine, I have them, I really like them, but I don’t love them.
Why do I like them but not love them? Well, they are smooth and a bit hard to put in nice and level and a bit of a pain to remove as well, as they do fit so perfectly.
Frankly I think I am going to love the Easy Weight – Fermentation Weights because they offer the function of the pebbles with the added feature of something as rudimentary as a handle. This idea is so simple you wonder why someone didn’t do it sooner.
When you are fermenting the biggest rule to follow is “keep it under the brine and everything will be fine”. These guys let you do that and make it convenient too. At 21.99 per four they are quite affordable at about 5.50 a piece. Do note they only come in one size, wide mouth mason jars. Frankly I don’t use anything but wide mouth jars for fermentation anyway, so check out Easy Weight – Fermentation Weights today and make your fermentations even better than they already are.
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at TspAz.com
If you already have the marbles and are having trouble getting them out of the jar, look at a valve lap tool (https://www.amazon.com/Performance-Tool-W80571-Valve-Lapper/dp/B0002KO37O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1501094231&sr=8-2&keywords=valve%2Bsuction%2Bcup&th=1). I have one on order so I haven’t tried this yet but it should work.
Those are brilliant. Unfortunately I bought the discs.
Thanks David for the VLT suggestion. The kitchen tongs DON’T work so well. Although I do enjoy watching my wife try to get them out when she “needs” a pickle.
What’s wrong with the plastic lid off of oatmeal ? I cut half way through to the center and overlap the edges to create a cone. I place it over my packed okra or cukes then I add the brine. I refrigerate them after a few days. I use 1/2 gal glass pickle jars my daughter buys.
Whatever floats (or in this case sinks) your boat. Personally I am not into using plastics with my ferments but I’d not fault you for it.