
Mr. Beer 16oz Swing Top Glass Bottles – Item of the Day — 6 Comments

    • If you mean carb in the bottle, yes. I have never actually heard the term back carb.

      • Yes, I google’d it because I wasn’t sure of the term, but put sugar in the bottle and top it. Thanks!

  1. Those flip tops bring back memories from Germany in the late 1960s. They make super beer there, unlike anything you can get in the states, IMHO.

    We would show the FNGs how to open them by striking hard with your index finger. (the trick was to catch the bottom of the loop with your knuckle–but it looked for all the world you were just using your finger; sadly lots of hurt fingers occurred).

    • FNG, LMAO long time since I have heard that one.

      Yea a lot of people buy grolch here, it is actually a good beer but normally tastes horrid due to the green bottle and what UV does to hop acids.

      If you drink a beer in a green bottle that smells like nasty cabbage that is the enemy. Any such beer must be stored in a light proof box if any hope of a decent experience will be possible.

  2. I tried buying these but refused the 2 boxes it was shipped in because of the loud tinkling sound of shattered glass when the boxes were tipped. Whoever packaged the bottles clearly didn’t know what they were doing. There weren’t even fragile glass notifications on the outside of the box. Amazon is refunding me so i’m not out anything, just a little bummed at what happened.