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Flashback Farms
Flashback Farms
8 years ago

I own this Grinder and can say whew doggy! It’s the best one I’ve ever used. Simple, easy to use and just works.

8 years ago

Another use for a good coffee grinder: I was baking once and found out i didn’t have any powdered sugar… So… Just put regular suger in the grinder and made my own powdered sugar… Beats having to run out to town just because you forgot one ingredient. LOL

GeRm Logan
GeRm Logan
8 years ago

That’s funny cause i just ordered that grinder the other day to try out.

Alex Shrugged
Alex Shrugged
8 years ago

I grind enough flax seed for a month, and keep it in a container in my pantry. Then I sprinkle 2 tsp of it on my yogurt in the morning. Flax seed is a natural anti-oxident and it tastes like almonds, sort of.

Alex Shrugged

7 years ago
Reply to  Alex Shrugged

I originally got a coffee grinder for the same purpose. I use the ground flax seed on oatmeal as well. Now I use the grinder to make rubs. My 11 yr old daughter has taken a liking to making the rubs now as well. Mainly because she gets to run the spice grinder.

7 years ago

I bought one of these grinders used at salvation army, and I LOVE it! I don’t need 2 grinders any more. If I want to grind spices,I just take the cup and lid off and run them through the dish washer, then I do the same before I make coffee in it again. My girlfriend’s little brother used it to grind his “smokable herbs” and even that came right out in the wash.

7 years ago

Has anyone tried grinding up cinnamon with it?

7 years ago
Reply to  Chad

That’s what I wanted to hear. Thanks!

7 years ago

Since someone has already asked about stick cinnamon, I’m going to ask about nutmeg… 😀
Might be smarter to just grate nutmeg especially since it’s rarely used in large quantities, but has anyone made the attempt at grinding nutmeg in these grinders?