Black & Decker 6-Amp Angle Grinder – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is the Black & Decker 6-Amp Angle Grinder. This tool is a bit of a departure from my normal choice of tools which is normally “get the best you can afford and if they are power tools, go cordless”.
So why did I choose this one?
Well I am not a welder, I am not using this thing for typical “grinding” the main thing I use angle grinders for is cutting. Specifically the things we cut most that an angle grinder excels at are fencing, hog panels and hardware cloth.
What does all this add up to mean? That I will need an angle grinder 4-8 times a year on my property and will run it for about an hour or so maximum per year. So I initially looked at this beauty, the 20V Max Dewalt Angle Grinder. I was tempted and 100 bucks is a good price for this tool, and if I used it a lot or even frequently it is what I would buy. But does it make sense to pay 100 dollars for a tool that basically does what a 30 dollar tool will do if you only use it an hour at most per year.
To me it doesn’t, and I can reach an extension cord to about 80% of the places on my property, additionally I have portable generators and I have a Steven Harris Battery Bank in my F-350. So I decided to save the 70 bucks and invest it elsewhere and buy this one.
I started as I always do with Amazon reviews 4.5 out of 5 stars with 100 plus reviews. It was also the number one best seller in power angle grinders on Amazon. Also since you can return anything to Amazon and it was only 30 bucks and a best seller, I went ahead and got one to try.
Overall I am very pleased with it. Plenty of power, easy to use and I had no trouble cutting the few things I tested it on. Black & Decker offers a 2 year warranty on the product, though I doubt with limited use that I will need it.
The grinder comes with a standard 4.5 inch grinder disk, but since I will use it mostly for cutting I picked up a ten pack of PowerFlex Premium Cut Off Wheels for 13 bucks, likely they will last me 5 years or more at the limited amount I will need use of this tool.
Here is the big thing until you own one of these tools you won’t realize how valuable they are when they are what you really need. The things they do well, they do better than any alternative. So you really should have one for your homestead or shop.
I’ll reiterate if you are going to use a tool like this a lot I would recommend either the 20V Max Dewalt Angle Grinder or if you want a corded beast that will grind like all get out check out the Dewalt DWE402 but if like me you are going to use it occasionally on projects here and there, I say save your money and pick up the Black & Decker 6-Amp Angle Grinder and just call it a day. In any event in some form factor an angle grinder belongs in the shop at every homestead.
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at
P.S. – If you are going to get any and I mean any cordless angle grinder make sure you have extended amp hour batteries for that tool, these things are power pigs and draw a lot of energy fast.
Get and wear safety glasses with this tool. Really anytime your using power tools on metal but especially high speed grinders and lathes.
Cut a hog panel with bolt cutters.