Demitri’s Bacon RimShot for Bloody Mary’s – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is Demitri’s Bacon RimShot for that perfect rimmed glass for that perfect Bloody Mary. Right up front is there any way this is a preparedness item? No, but it is a lifestyle item and much of what we focus on here is lifestyle. Let me tell you the story of how this stuff came into my life.
I have this friend David, my partner in crime at Biltong for Breakfast. One of his things is mixology and the guy makes some stellar drinks, like the artwork above, a Bloody Mary he recently made at our second filming. Now I am not sure what a proper Bloody Mary Glass is, apparently it is simply a High Ball Glass but I was checking into some on Amazon and this stuff popped up as a related item.
I almost bought some but then I thought, hmm, bet I can get David to buy this. So I shot a text over to him, “hey have you seen this” and less than ten minutes later a return text with, “you know I had to order that right” came back.
Hook, line and sinker! And I knew it would get better, I knew that the next time he came over he’d bring it and make me a Bloody. The only thing better than a perfect weekend morning with a Bloody you made, is a perfect weekend morning with a Bloody someone made for you.
Okay this stuff was the bomb, it took an already fantastic drink and made it better. Yes that is actual bacon in those drinks, along with cilantro, an onion, a gerkin, colored carrot, celery, olives, peppers and I think part of the kitchen sink is in there too. It is literally a breakfast you can drink. We have also discovered celery bitters and using them in our drinks now as well, got to say they take the bloody to another level as well.
This is where the story gets better, David noticed you actually get two packs of the bacon salt with the tin. So being the good friend he is, he gave me one to experiment with. Then in packing up his drink kit he forgot to take his celery bitters and his bloody mix with him. Did I say the best bloody is one someone makes for you? May be, but one you make on a Sunday from the found spoils of a friend who forgot them, well that is a strong runner up.
So Sunday morning we had the family coming for the day, like the entire family. Prior to their arrival I concocted the bloody you see below. Not quite the art work that David did, but I didn’t have the time really. See that mini pepper though, yea stuffed that thing with garlic and jalapeno yogurt cheese I made myself, then capped it with some of that bacon salt. Holy crap I could eat 100 of those things.
This has me wondering what else we might do with this ingredient. Yes rimming a Bloody Mary glass with it is fantastic, but the flavor is basically pepper, salt and bacon, I mean there has to be a multitude of uses for this stuff. So give Demitri’s Bacon RimShot a try and add it to your personal favorite way to make a Bloody and see what other uses you can come up for with it. I will tell you, as I sat on my new back porch with the dogs, milking that drink for a full 45 minutes of the pre crowd peace I had left, I realized that there is a strong possibility that Bloody Mary Sundays may become a ritual around here.
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P.S. – I have not tried these yet but they intrigue me, the same company makes some pretty interesting mixer concentrates. Keeps the shipping down as they are bases that you add your own tomato juice to. And this may be over the top, if that is possible in the Bloody Mary World, but they even make pepperoni meat straws, yea really. Ya, gotta love the innovation of the free market!
You have got to try the different Demitir’s Bloody Mary Seasoning. I am gluten intolerant so I had to avoid commercial bloody mary mixes because they all had wheat. Demitir does not have wheat. That first seasoning I tried was the Classic recipe and it blew me away with it’s richness and flavor. However, since then I have tried all four flavors. My favorite, because it is the spiciest, is “Chipotle Habanero”. My favorite pre-mixed is “Charleston Mix Bloody Mary Bold & Spicy”. I get the 8oz sizes so I don’t have to refrigerate an open bottle.
Leaning to the classic myself, I can always add spice but I can’t take it away. I don’t like a Bloody to be too spicy but I like to feel something is there at the same time. Love me some good horse radish in it. Horse radish is one of those things that even when it hits you hard, doesn’t linger a long time and persist.
Looks real good except for that glass. 😉
Yea just awful, 6 Super Bowls, 8 AFC Championships and 23 division titles. Yea just horrible I know. LOL
If you are a hater you are gonna hate, that’s what you do.