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8 years ago

Jack thanks for championing the 1 gallon for mead making. After seeing you do it, we took a shot with it this summer, and its really the only way to go unless you’ve got a specific recipe that you want to make enmass for distribution. (Maybe your family signature mead, but you gotta get there first).

The assets necessary to purchase everything are fairly cheap, so having duplicates of everything really just isn’t that big of a deal. I now have plenty of buckets, and at least 10 1 gallon glass fermenters. (For doing 5 gallons no problem).

Unlike brewing beer and other fermination methods, mead is too stupid simple NOT to do. So much so that I actually do not drink any alcohol anymore, other than the mead I make. Why not? It’s significantly cheaper, it completely 100% satisfies my needs for diversity, and it tastes like real food, not sterilized crap.

In the last year I have made the following meads using all local ingredients that either i grew/harvested or i got from the farmers market :
Peach (at least 4 different iterations)
Peach Blueberry
Peach Ginger
Peach Mint Elderflower
Strawberry Mayhaw
Wild Blackberry & Blueberry

Alex Shrugged
8 years ago

On the lower right the Hebrew says, Kosher Parve which means it is kosher and neither meat nor milk.

Those who care already noticed it, but for those who are wondering, that is what it means. I’m sure about half the packaged food in the average person’s pantry is kosher. Sometimes it is marked. Other times not.


Alex Shrugged
4 years ago

FYI, simply using a kosher yeast does not make the entire product kosher, but it does go a long way toward that goal.

Kashrut [kahsh-ROOT] (the practice of being kosher) is a complex subject. In other words, it’s easy to screw it up, and everyone has a different opinion on the subject. Even some very respected authorities have different opinions.

Notice that the symbol itself identifies the private organization that is doing the certification. That is, Adath Yereim. That is actually Rabbi Joseph David Frankforter, an chasidic rabbi in Paris, France. If you trust the rabbi, then good. If you don’t then you buy a different product certified by a different organization or person. Sometimes two separate organizations will certify the same product in order for the product to gain a wider acceptance from the kosher community.

Some people have asked if such certification adds to the overall cost of the product, and it probably does. To offset this extra cost, usually only higher grade products seek such certification. That is why a kosher certified product seems so much more expensive. You are paying for two things: the certification (a second set of eyes on the product) and a higher quality product. Organically labeled products do something similar.

I am informing folks on what the symbol means. I know people want to know about such things.

Be well,

Alex Shrugged

Charles Smith
Charles Smith
8 years ago

I am a beginning brewer and would like info on the proper way to begin my mead experimentation project.

Jason Elliott
Jason Elliott
7 years ago
Reply to  Charles Smith

Here are links to past episodes that Jack did on Mead making:






Here is a link to the Meads of the week that Jack started on Youtube:

Here is a link to Michael Jordan’s Mead of the week series on YouTube, he doesn’t have them on a playlist so you’ll have to sort through to get them all:

5 years ago

Hey Charles,
I can’t stress enough to watch and follow Jack’s small batch videos. My first attempt at fermenting anything was 1 gallon of three flowers blend (he explains in depth) and the very first attempt turned out awesome. Full disclosure, I didn’t prefer it immediately, but after six months of age,the few people I shared with loved it.
Also, I recommend using a tablespoon of the three flowers in every variation you try as it speeds things up drastically and it brings out flavors of every fruit I’ve tried that I can’t even describe, but they’ve all been great.

Good luck, and enjoy.