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7 years ago

I have been growing Jerusalem Artichokes for over 40 years. I did not realize there were various varieties and suspect what I have been growing would perhaps not do as well in Texas as they do here in Vermont, and vise versa.
I find them excellent raw or lightly stir fried with other vegetables.

Jason from PA
Jason from PA
7 years ago

Wow… I just bought and had Jerusalem Artichokes for the first time (well apparently since I was one year of age).

Cabbage has no claim against Sunchokes. I am not sure how I managed to create that much gas. Seriously, I think it was 12 hours in which every 30 seconds a gaseous release occurred. Though with minimal odor, thank God.

They were delicious. Both a bite raw was tasty. And fried, they were like potatoes with a hint of ginger and a touch of a garlic.

Is it evil of me to want to cook this and serve this to a large crowd of people unwittingly during an overnight weekend.

Paul Trentham
Paul Trentham
5 years ago

Do I need to protect these from the deer that seem to graze on everything I plant?

5 years ago

I had deer nibble three or four tops of a 4’x 8′ foot bunch when they were about 4′ tall but never came back for more. I’m guessing that it was a young deer that just gave it a try.

Gavin Sandeman
Gavin Sandeman
5 years ago

I love Jerusalem artichokes roasted with other veggies in the fall. They have a great nutty flavor. Up here in Canada, we can leave them in the ground through the winter, and then harvest in the spring just after the ground thaws.

Alternatively, you can cut the stems in the fall about 2 feet above the ground and mulch heavily. In early winter before the ground freezes, but after the snow falls, you can use the stem to show you where they are and dig up what you need. Note that the Queen’s favorite soup is Jerusalem Artichoke soup.

I also look at them as a an apocalyptic survival food. You could have hundreds of pounds of JA tubers in the ground on your property, but roving masses of hungry people would just walk by them without having a clue what they are, and just leave them there, while pulling up your potatoes or picking your beans.