Easehold Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is the Easehold Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser. I got a lot of questions about a diffuser for essential oils after one of my podcasts on getting started with herbalism. Essential oils are one of my favorite way to use herbs, to understand why let me explain what a REAL essential oil is.
You know when you walk but a hedge of roses when the sun is hitting them and you get that amazing smell, when that happens you are experiencing essential oils in nature. An oil is “essential” in the sense that it contains the “essence of” the plant’s fragrance—the characteristic fragrance of the plant from which it is derived.
Essential oils are made by distillation and it takes a lot of an herb to produce a small amount of oil. For instance to make a pound of lavender essential oil you will need about 200 pounds of lavender flowers to do so. And lavender is pretty heavy as many herbs go, for instance if you want a pound of rose oil it will take 2000-5000 pound of roses to do the job depending on the rose type.
Want a pound of oregano essential oil, well you’ll need about 1,000 pounds of oregano to get the job done. Bringing it down a bit smaller, if you want say one ounce of peppermint oil you will need only about 5 lbs of peppermint. Or if you want just an ounce of that oregano oil you will still need about 60-65 pounds of fresh oregano.
This is why essential oils can seem expensive, and this is why when you see an essential oil and it is cheap, it likely isn’t pure essential oil and you should not buy it.
So why a diffuser, what does that do for you? Sure it makes the house smell nice but are there any other real benefits. Okay before I continue, to protect myself from the almighty dot gov, I have to say, I am not a doctor, nothing that follows is intended to cure, prevent or treat disease, it is only my opinion. Ya gotta love our freedom in this nation don’t ya?
So here it goes, I feel that one of the first things a diffuser can do is promote more restful sleep. This is critical to health in my opinion for obvious reasons. Diffusers have also been shown to improve respiratory health and when used with some herbs boot natural immune responses. I personally find they improve my mental focus and clarity especially when I am distracted.
Additionally many essential oils are antivirals, antibiotics, antiseptics, etc. so they help kill germs and bacteria. Finally they are just beneficial to your overall emotional health in my opinion. In fact I think a lot of people on dangerous medications would be better off using essential oils and a bit of daily relaxing and meditation, or at least give that a try before committing to a life time of using a drug with more side effects than benefits according to the people that make it.
Now why the Easehold Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser . First looks, I mean this thing just looks nice. It doesn’t look like some weird space age thing or some funky medical device, it is well suited to be in any home and match any rooms look and feel. The lights are nice and make it look cool as well, but that doesn’t personally do much for me. I do love that it has a built in timer and that it is very easy to set, in fact all the controls are very intuitive.
Next up is reliability. I first reviewed this item about a year ago on Dec. 7th, 2017. Since that time about 200 of them have been purchased via our Amazon links. And I have not had a single person in this audience email me a complaint about this item. Trust me when something doesn’t work out, I hear about it from you guys and by the way, I like it that way. You guys are my final say on an item, when you are happy, I continue to recommend it.
Lastly it just works, again as always I am out for a solid value to price ratio. This one has it. At 29 bucks it makes a heck of a Christmas gift and we are in that time of the year. So check out the Easehold Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser today. And to put it over the top as a gift, check out the sampler pack of oils in the PS below.
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at TspAz.com
P.S. – I know there will be a ton of “what oils should I get”. I really tend to buy a specific oil for a specific reason. I use oregano because it is such a great anti viral, I use peppermint because it makes you mentally clear and frankly I just like it, etc. But there is no harm in experimenting. So as you learn about an herb, just get some good oil of it and try it out. For this I recommend you go with Radha Beauty Products. While many people make good oils, Rhada has the best value from anyone I trust in a sampler pack.
You will get 18 oils to try including, lavender, tea tree, peppermint, lemongrass, sweet orange, eucalyptus, pine, tangerine, rosemary, frankincense, lime, lemon, bergamot, patchouli, grapefruit and cinnamon. The cost on this set is only 32 bucks and added to the diffuser it really does make an awesome gift I think anyone would appreciate. Oh and if you know someone with a diffuser this group of oils will also be well received by itself.
Lastly you know it is Christmas time and everyone wants the home to smell like Christmas and of course that can me that wonderful smell of a fresh cut tree. We however went to artificial trees because well, Dorothy has a problem with lights, more a sickness. If the wires show she in her own words “wants to punch a hole in the wall”. And even real trees lose their smell pretty fast. So hey, pick up a bottle of this stuff, for only 7 bucks your home will smell like pines with snow on their boughs.
I bought the Rhada Beauty essential oils for my wife a few weeks ago and we both love them. Good stuff.