Vastar Titanium Step Drill Bit Set – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is the Vastar Titanium Step Drill Bit Set, 3-Piece Set & Automatic Center Punch. Step bits are a great tool, they don’t do everything but they do a lot of things that nothing else does better. This set will let you drill holes up to 3/4ths of an inch which is large enough for most things you would use a step bit for.
Some folks call these unibits because one bit does what many bits would be needed for. While that is true they do have a weakness. They are generally for drilling holes in thinner stock, mostly metal and plastic.
The reason is obvious when you think about it. Drill though a 2×4 with a step bit, it will do it NO PROBLEM, but you end up with the largest hole size, or a cone shaped hole. Each step is just about a quarter of an inch so that is the thickness you can step up to and stop going further with. I hope that makes sense.
One thing I use these all the time for is drilling out lids for fermenters. When I convert say a apple juice bottle into a mead fermenter this is what I use. I also use them when making ball jars into vegetable fermenters.
If you are drilling thin metal to a lager hole size and want to avoid a lot of tearing, sharp edges, etc, just put the metal on a scrap piece of 2×4 or something like that and you will get great clean edges.
I also use these extensively in my aquaponics projects, as I generally use 3/4″ bulkheads for most of my ebb and flow beds and my wicking bed overflows, they larger one is perfect for drilling out tanks and what have you.
What I love about this set is it comes with a damn good spring loaded center punch. You use this to make a dent in stock so you get the drill started at the exact right spot. This isn’t really necessary when drilling out a plastic jar lid but when say drilling a piece of PVC pipe or heavy metal stock it is VERY helpful.
So if you don’t already have step bits in your tool collection consider getting the Vastar Titanium Step Drill Bit Set, 3-Piece Set & Automatic Center Punch to fill the void. At about 13 bucks a set it is a hell of a value and frankly a set of step bits belongs in every preppers tool kit.
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These are really fantastic if you want to work with aquaponics too, or probably drilling any plastic or metal. You can make a hole exactly the size you want to by just stepping down to the size you need.
This is one of my most commonly used bits, and I definitely would feel naked without it. And at $13 that’s a great deal, I think I paid $20 at a big box store.
For my fellow gun nuts, a step bit helps you finalize the baffle stack on a Maglite/freeze plug Form 1 silencer.
Yes, waiting to hear back.