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8 years ago

I’ve been planning to replace the radio in my ’03 F350, but now going to try this. Thanks

8 years ago

Can you connect this device via the AUX cable to your car stereo, thus eliminating the need for the FM modulator? If not, how is the FM modulation from this device? Like you said in the article above, most FM modulators suck for sound quality. Thanks!

8 years ago

I picked one of these up, and it was an additional $4 off (final price $15.99) at the moment I ordered. It was only $5 more than earphone plug to cassette converter. It’s not perfect, but worth what I paid for it. The USB port does not keep up with the demands of my Samsung Galaxy S7 smartphone, that is, with the simultaneous demands that I put upon the phone in turn. It might keep up with lighter (no pun intended) use, but not nearly as well as Jack’s previously recommended dual USB Apple/NonApple auxiliary plug in charger. (I forget what it’s called.) A lazy remedy to that would be to get an auxiliary plug that turns one jack into dual jacks, then plug the other device in as well for quick charging. (Not to be confused with dueling Jack. I do have advanced training in fencing, but he’d bring a firearm, so no bueno.)

The display on the device was a little weak for daylight. Pay attention to the product tips on Amazon, as the paper instructions in English are less than optimal. Also, watch the video reviews, as previously suggested.

Remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Atomic Punk
Atomic Punk
7 years ago

when i was driving truck long haul i played a lot of audio from my laptop on the trucks stereo aux port. the audio was just fine if the truck was off, but when running i got static/interference from the trucks alternator. audio would be fine if the laptop was not plugged in, but that doesn’t last long. instead of getting a very expensive inverter that may have filtered out the noise. i went with an FM transmitter. after trying out a few models i discovered the only was i could get clean audio was if the FM transmitter was powered by a usb port on the laptop itself. got the same noise problem it the transmitter was powered by one of the trucks 12v plugs.

7 years ago
Reply to  Atomic Punk

Noise problems can, often times, be mitigated if not eliminated by grounding your hood to the frame if there is not an existing strap. The hinges don’t do a good enough job.

Atomic Punk
Atomic Punk
7 years ago
Reply to  Dave

how would grounding the hood effect the radio/ electronics? the noise is from the alternator, and there is a lot of metal in the frame of the truck.

that aside. most new tractor-trailer trucks the hood is all fiberglass.

7 years ago

If you do find a similar device that operates on the AM band you will sacrifice two features.
1). Sound quality
2). Stereo (AM Stereo was a thing for a short while)
That is all.

Richard Hauser
Richard Hauser
7 years ago

I bought one of these and had it in my van till I bought a new radio with bluetooth built in. Now it is in my wife’s van and she loves it.

Stephen Wilkins
Stephen Wilkins
7 years ago

I bought one of these the same day the recommendation was made and I love it. It always works, synchs easily, easy set up. Very happy that I bought it. I’ve had several of the non blue tooth FM connections and they were worthless, and a lot more expensive.

David Magee
5 years ago

Purchased Thanks Jack!

Brian Liles
Brian Liles
5 years ago

I bought one of these roughly a year ago on your recommendation and it gets used every single day. Great sound quality with very little interference (unless I get near a car using the same frequency.) I would buy it again!