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8 years ago

I already have one of these, but enjoyed your post for ideas for how to put it good use. Thanks Jack.

Jason Elliott
Jason Elliott
8 years ago

I agree with Charles as he posted above. I love mine, it’s also good for tormenting the cats with the laser.

8 years ago

We are animal lovers. If I see a dog in a car, I use this to make sure it’s not too hot in there for it.

Darren Dawes
Darren Dawes
8 years ago

Got a misfire in your engine? Point it at the exhaust manifold where it meets the cylinder head. Repeat for each cylinder and the cool one is your problem plug/wire. Works great!

8 years ago

hydrolic, electrical, cooling systems, and did i say hydrolic troubleshoting. Has saved me literaly days worth of work on heavy equipment. if you dont have one get one worth its weight in gold.

7 years ago

Love mine. I use it all the time. Got it at Costco years ago.

7 years ago


$17, first time I saw one of these they were $100 plus. If you wait long enough the price of some things really come down over time, 20 years maybe. LOL

aaron h
aaron h
7 years ago

I use mine all the time. I work in a data center and am constantly taking readings at work…and now I use it at home as well. Love it!

Going Galt
Going Galt
7 years ago

Thanks, I bought one and it arrived today.  I’m not yet sure what “useful” things I will do with it. But, I have already mastered annoying my wife with it by doing things like pointing it at the cat’s butt and saying “88 degrees!”  I can also see my driveway is currently 32, and my interior basement foundation is 45, and 170 for the baseboard heating pipes, etc.  Neat!



6 years ago

It’s great to know when that pan you are preheating is up to temp, or how close you are to a target cooking temp. The area it samples is a cone shape so that the closer you are the smaller the area it is reading.

Alex Shrugged
5 years ago

Ordered it. It should get here tomorrow. Thanks Jack.

I’ve been wanting to figure out where I’m losing heat in my house but everything I’ve seen costs $500. I was looking at the ones with a fancy screen like they use on Mythbusters. I don’t need something that visual. I just need a number.

Alex Shrugged



Jim Grapes
Jim Grapes
3 years ago

Ordered this exact one yesterday. Wanted one for a while now, but setting up my brooder for a hundred meat birds and I always have trouble with the thermometers I put in my brooder. The chicks bury them, among other things. Thought I would give this a shot and have it for everything I’d like to measure. I remember that Jack generally liked Etekcity so that helped me choose, funny I picked this same one

3 years ago

poor electrical connections show an increase in temperature. Use this tool to monitor problem areas.