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Eric Hammond
Eric Hammond
1 month ago

When he described notebook lm it made me have an idea. What if you could create yourself a mentor to help walk you through situations in your life?

If I input tons of Greg Judy videos, articles, possibly books etc, can I ask it questions and it would respond with advice that curtailed from how he would approach the situation.

Same thing with your podcast, if I throw every gardening one on there and I have a terrible problem with my worm bin vermicomposting can I ask it how jack might handle the situation?

It sounds freaking amazing.

The 5 clarifying questions has been a game changer for me already as well

Darren Dawes
Darren Dawes
1 month ago

So cool! I’ve been using Notebook LM for the last 24 hours to convert sales sheets (short brochures) to “podcasts” that I can include in my emails. I put the following at the end of my emails and have already received positive feedback:

“We are all busy these days, so I’ve put the attached information in a mini-podcast that you can listen to on your commute! *link to wav*

I’m also converting my personal blog posts to listenable links that will go at the top of each page.

Eric Hammond
Eric Hammond
1 month ago

I learned a new AI hack today, when your memory gets full, you can ask it for a summary of your memory and then delete it. Tell it the new memory is the summary and then it will have all the old memories and plenty of space for new

1 month ago

Josh Hale has changed my life with his AI knowledge!
And I found him on Jack’s poscast!