
Episode-2134- Choosing Excitement and Abundance over Gloom and Doom — 11 Comments

  1. We can always browse past episodes or listen to random ones.  Please take the time completely off and spend it with your wife and family.  2018 will be here soon enough and we can resume getting sh*t done then; aside from that which we must do for the remainder of the year.  Thanks for all you do to help others find freedom in their own lives.

    • I only care if people will listen or not, if I do them by the time vacation starts they will all be totally done and scheduled.

  2. Man Jack I needed that. I just went to a funeral for a 95 yr old. He grew a huge garden and gave away veggies out of his trunk all the time, what a loss. We all need to pull up the suspenders and start growing abundance and give away some the yield! Pick your passion. I have a hugelkulture covered in comfrey and rosemary and basil and fruit because of you and I couldn’t grow hardly anything before that.  I started giving away comfrey tea mixed with sea minerals in spray bottles.

  3. If you described modern survivalism to somebody even as recently as 50 years ago, they’d look at you as though you were crazy. Because you’d be describing what normal people did with their life each day.

  4. Jack,

    You could provide a list of rewinds that you recommend for viewers to listen to over the break, along with a quick direction to find them. I think you have earned a little break this time of year. Looking forward to ’18.

  5. Best kick in the ass I’ve heard in a long time. You really have a fantastic talent for motivating hard headed people to get their shit together and DO SOMETHING.