Episode-2134- Choosing Excitement and Abundance over Gloom and Doom
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Given this will be the last “Just Jack Show” of 2017 I figured we should end on a positive note. Preppers are often cast as the doomsday bunker type by many, not just the Hollywood crowd. I remember not long ago a guy saw one of my TSP T-shirts at a local store, he said, so you are a prepper? My response was, I sure am.
His next question was, “so when do you think its gonna happen”? I knew what he meant but replied with, “when whats gonna happen”? He responded with, “you know, it”? I looked at him like he was crazy, he kinda was and say, “it what”? Then he let it out, quietly of course looking around to make sure no spies were listening, “the big one, the collapse, when the entire thing crashes to the ground”.
I explained that is now what we do, he explained that he had started watching shows about stuff and was very concerned by hadn’t actually done anything about it yet. I gave him the website address and went on with my day. Such is the misunderstood life of a modern survivalist. The reality is the true modern survivalist should be among the happiest and most optimistic people on the planet.
Join Me Today to Discuss….
- A reminder about Liberty Forum
- My thoughts on the Bitcoin ceiling and how it will be smashed
- Why despite how screwed up things are, this is a great time to be alive
- Just some of the reasons anyone can build resilience today
- Building a business
- Knowledge is practically free
- Almost everything you need is “cheap”
- There is a community for everything
- On the other side of things what is your alternative
- Bitch about problems?
- Hope someone else will “fix it”?
- Hold your breath and wait?
- Blame others?
- Why following your passion really is great advice no matter what anyone says
- What will you do in 2018?
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- The Year 83
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Forum – A new little site I started
- Get Your Liberty Forum Tickets – Use Code tsp10 for 10% off all tickets.
- Lightning at Last for Bitcoin
- Oh Come All Ye Faithful – Twisted Sister
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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We can always browse past episodes or listen to random ones. Please take the time completely off and spend it with your wife and family. 2018 will be here soon enough and we can resume getting sh*t done then; aside from that which we must do for the remainder of the year. Thanks for all you do to help others find freedom in their own lives.
I only care if people will listen or not, if I do them by the time vacation starts they will all be totally done and scheduled.
Man Jack I needed that. I just went to a funeral for a 95 yr old. He grew a huge garden and gave away veggies out of his trunk all the time, what a loss. We all need to pull up the suspenders and start growing abundance and give away some the yield! Pick your passion. I have a hugelkulture covered in comfrey and rosemary and basil and fruit because of you and I couldn’t grow hardly anything before that. I started giving away comfrey tea mixed with sea minerals in spray bottles.
I love this episode! This mindset is where more people need to be.
If you described modern survivalism to somebody even as recently as 50 years ago, they’d look at you as though you were crazy. Because you’d be describing what normal people did with their life each day.
Jack I would love to hear you and Jeff Berwick discuss crypto
You could provide a list of rewinds that you recommend for viewers to listen to over the break, along with a quick direction to find them. I think you have earned a little break this time of year. Looking forward to ’18.
Again doing five is less than an hour of work, thanks for the concern.
Best kick in the ass I’ve heard in a long time. You really have a fantastic talent for motivating hard headed people to get their shit together and DO SOMETHING.
Rewinds would be appreciated. Thanks
I’d love to get some rewinds, maybe something winter themed?
Thanks for all you do