Notice – As Of 11-15-09 100% of All Ad Space Is Currently Sold Out
If you would like to be placed on a waiting list I am offering new space on a first come, first serve basis as existing advertisers have their terms expire if they choose not to renew. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list just use my contact form and send me your website to review and the term of advertising you are interested in locking in. Additionally another avenue for exposure of your products may be one of my Youtube Gear reviews. Due to a high volume of requests I don’t take gear with out prior approval. If you have gear you would want me to review send me as much information as possible on what it is and I will get back to you about doing a review if it makes sense for my audience.
We are now making room for a very limited number of advertisers. We are selling Ten and only Ten; banners in the 234 x 60 size on our right margin. We standardized on 234 x 60 because it will create a uniform look to the blog and allow all advertisers reasonable exposure.
A Unique Advertising Model
Most sites sell higher positions for more money, TSP is charging a flat fee of 400 dollars a month and ad positions are rotated every week. New advertisers start at the bottom of the stack and each week the top position is rotated to the bottom to allow all advertisers equal time at various positions on the site for one low rate.
Only 12 Positions Available
We have 14 slots to run our banner ads in, we reserve one for our sites personal use and one which we give as a free “grant” to one company each year for supporting our show. We take no preferential treatment in the rotation with our own slots, we rotate from top to bottom just like all of our advertisers.
To Apply As An Advertiser
First let me say we do see advertising on our site as a true endorsement. Hence we will NOT accept all advertisers (THIS IS NOT A MARKETING PLOY WE DO AND WILL CONTINUE TO TURN DOWN SPONSORS THAT DON’T MEASURE UP), to be approved you must follow the instructions outlined below. We will not accept any advertiser unless we are willing to vouch for your company and your product. We are not in the advertising business at TSP we are in the business of serving our listeners.
To Apply as an Advertiser…
1. Email the page you want your banner to link to and a copy of the banner you plan to use (if you have one) to Also include the term you want to initially sign up for.
2. My staff of moderators at our survival forum will be asked to vote on acceptance of you as a new advertiser. (This is my listeners ad council) If they vote yes you are in, if they vote no you’re out even if I disagree. I am sorry but I made this commitment to my listeners long ago, I won’t violate it.
3. Once you are accepted (it should not take more then 3-4 days) I will notify you and let you know where to send payments to via PayPal or if you prefer you may pay by check but it will take longer to get your ad running.
4. With in 24 hours of receipt of your funds and your ad banner we will begin running your ads for the agreed upon term.
Frequently Asked Questions
About TSP Advertising
Question – I don’t have a 236 x 60 banner, can you make one for me?
Answer – in most instances yes for a small fee of 150 dollars. This assumes you have some source graphics we can use and you know what you want it to say, etc.
Question – How much traffic will you send me?
Answer – There is no way we can guarantee any traffic volume because your product, ad creative and your position in the rotation will have a large effect on this. Additionally you should consider not just direct traffic but the branding effect of being seen on our site on a daily basis and mentions YOU WILL GET on the podcast.
Question – How many people a day visit The Survival Podcast on Average
Answer – The site receives about 90,000 unique visitors a day and about 275,000 – 350,000 page views each day as well. This is only the blog, these numbers do not include our forums.
Question – How many people a day listen to the podcasts?
Answer – On average each new episode of the podcast is downloaded about 150,000 times within one day of being published by regular listeners via our feed. There are many additional listeners that come directly to the site and stream vs. download the episodes thus can’t be accurately counted. We are also syndicated in Stitcher Radio and many other formats.
Our best estimates by monitoring Google Analytics is our average daily downloads amount to about 170,000 – 190,0000 people listen to each episode with it 48 hours of it going live. This number is based on file requests resulting in full downloads of each audio file and our best indications from those who syndicate our content.
As of June 1st 2015 the total downloads of all episodes combined has exceeded 230,000,000 downloads.
Question – What do you mean I “will get mentions on the show”?
Answer – Simply put we will each day mention the “Sponsors on our Website” and do a brief featured pair of advertisers of the day. These will go in a simple daily rotation and the mention will simply be, “and our featured advertiser of the day is XYZ Company” followed by some commentary from the host about why he recommends the sponsor. We do “two sponsors of the day” to ensure everyone gets a mention at least once a week. We do NOT do canned prerecorded advertising.