A Video You Should Watch and Correction to an Error
This post is really the correction of two errors. One a simple oversight and the second an actual mistake.
The first one is in reference to Episode 1426. In that episode I discussed a bit more about the fear mongering around ISIS and the fact that the US created ISIS and armed and funded them. That much of that started in Lybia and that it is why ambassador Stevens was left to die by our government. That Stevens was more a arms dealer than an ambassador.
Nothing about the above is incorrect, the problem was I mentioned a video that explained it all and promised to put it in the show notes. The video is by Storm Clouds Gathering on YouTube and I feel it is one EVERY American should see, especially some of your sleeping sheeple friends.
The oversight was I forgot to include it in the show notes in Episode 1426. Here is that video, it should make you want to weep for the blood on our nations hands and angry as hell at those who are behind it. Don’t get out your “Impeach Obama” bumper stickers and Vote Republican Signs either, this goes back over many years and many presidents in the end.
Sorry I forgot to put that link in the notes guys, there has been a ton of requests for it so I decided to post here.
Next, dun dun dunnnnnnn! Jack was Wrong! Yes seriously yesterday in the show on land I did a design in my head of a 1 acre square property which would be 208×208 feet. I have now added the following note to the show notes for that show.
Please Note – there was a major math error in today’s show which will create a future “Jack Was Wrong Segment”. I don’t know why but in this show I said 208 x 4 was 2,496. This is clearly wrong the correct number was 832.
This should of made the tree counts 80 at 10 feet and 40 at 20 feet spacings. This is what happens when you do math in your head on the fly I guess, given 208x4x3 is 2,496 I guess I was thinking in yards and talking in feet. In a round about way I guess I put my foot in my mouth!
There is an old saying in programming “garbage in, garbage out”. That is what happened here, the math was right, the numbers behind it were wrong.
The show and the design are still valid, but you have to compensate for the math including the yields. 40 x 80 trees at 100 pounds a tree would yield 4000-8000 pounds of food. Sorry for the error, it doesn’t happen often but when it does I try to correct it quickly and publicly.
Math’s a real bitch sometimes. She never let’s anyone forget when they were wrong.
Sometimes I feel like Peter in Office Space, but instead of 5 bosses asking about my cover sheet on the TPS Report, I have 500, LOL.
Yeah,,,,,,if you could just get it right next time…..that’d be great
I actually play that on the air near the end of todays show. LOL
Oil, Oil, Oil. All wars are ultimately resource wars. But what would the U.S gain from removing Assad?. Not sure. Was Kadafi not selling oil for gold, does Iran wish to do the same. I suspect this all has something to do with the U.S losing world currency reserve status.
The thing is and most just don’t get this.
It doesn’t matter who controls the oil in the middle east, they will sell it to the US and the US will buy it. There is some wrangling about the “petrodollar” but that ship is sailing and no bombs or missiles will change it.
To be clear if ISIS takes everything from Turkey to Egypt they will sell us oil and we will buy it. No one doesn’t sell to their largest customer and for all talk of OPEC, in the end demand and supply drive price. If gas goes up a dollar a gallon it won’t change the world, we know that. The Fed’s solution will be print to compensate.
Next US energy production is going though the roof! The US will be energy independent soon, but in the smoke and mirror way Romney covered his ass with “North American Energy Independent”. Meaning US, Canada and Mexico combined.
In other words we are headed for a time soon when we will buy from the sandbox but won’t need to.
So if we don’t need the oil that much, what do we need, we need a bogey man. So F-it is the attitude, destabilize the entire damn thing, let it burn, see who wins, call them evil and when we need some war for profit there will be plenty of places we can make a case for bombing.
In the end the plan may be a reset. One thing glossed over in the video is part of the problem is that nations were “created” by outsiders chopping up the middle east and not allowed to form based on traditional borders and cultural affinities.
The idiots in charge may think now is the time to do that. We won’t “need” their oil for 20 years at least now, but they will sell it to us anyway. Let’s blow the whole shit mess apart, let’s scare the shit out of our people while we do, if a terrorist attack happens or we stop one so much the better to get more things done at home.
Then once the entire shit mess is blown apart leave citing public opinion for why and see what puts itself back together.
Are the people running the show that sick? Yes and again, they are flying the plane the way it was designed to be flown.
Where I disagree Jack is the Shale oil phenomenon, I think that bubble is set to burst with severe decline rates in the next few years. Shale oil is not like a regular oil field. Ten’s of thousands of wells need to be drilled, and drilling must keep up with the depletion rate. I don’t disagree there is a shit load of it, but that shit load will fall off faster than a conventional field. It has not the same EROEI as a traditional well.
You can believe what you want, what is, is. Belief doesn’t change the great IS. Again though IT DOESN’T MATTER. We buy a shit ton of Oil from Iran, think about that. We bought Oil from Iraq while we were bombing it.
@Max, My understanding Max is that shale gas is less abundant and has a higher extraction cost. In New Brunswick, the Fredrick Brook shale; estimates are 80 TCF in place, not sure what the recovery rate is. But to get back on track on Oil and Gas, Jack is correct, they will sell it to us regardless but my disagreement is that it will end quicker than we think. Based on what I was reading on the Drudge Report and TheOildrum.com, the depletion rates are 50% in the first two years and that the article in the Drudge report quoted a former BP executive as saying severe declines will show up by 2016 and then it’s game over.
Sorry, it was Zerohedge:
So I see this playing out as follows:
The shale oil and gas boom peak by 2017, China consumes excess global supply and by then the U.S dollar will be so weak, no one will sell them oil for U.S dollars. Which brings us back to why the U.S is attacking on all fronts. They need oil producing countries to sell them oil for U.S dollars; they need the U.S dollar to stay as the petro dollar.
Brent I live in the middle of the shale area, south of Youngstown Ohio, Columbiana County, and there are hundreds of wells that have been drilled and capped, for now. The oil & gas companies are building an infrastructure to sustain production and maximize profits. Now in our county people have been getting up to $6,000 per acre to sign with, Chesapeake and royalties once production starts. The companies might be waiting for prices to go up before full scale production begins. Let me put on my tinfoil hat on for a minute. With all these economic sanctions on Russia, Europe’s main source of natural gas, how will they get the gas they need? We don’t have the infrastructure to provide it all. So given that and the fact that a large chuck of product is unavailable for sale, what do you think will happen to the price of natural gas? I bet the wells that I spoke of earlier will be uncapped and put into full production.
Jack was simply doing the math using some Keynesian government spending formula
I think Jack has been infected by Common Core.
It must be that Common Core math that screwed you all up 🙂
Those “friendly” numbers are not so friendly are they
You sure have a good perspective and an excelland way of delivering it. I’ll admit, I’m a fan. I spent several bored weeks in Garland, TX last year and sure wish I’d tried to get an invitation to come visit you at your new “homestead” We’re more alike then I thought and the more I listen the more I realize we’d have a good time visiting…maybe I could have smoked us some tasty groceries..lol..
I loved the original concept for Permo-Ethos…still pretty excited for what it has evolved into. The upcomming open house sounds like something that should not be missed. I always thought I was a good public speaker with a good grasp on reality, but you make make this shit look easy Brother…. wish I had your energy. Best, jb…
Kadafi, Hussein, Bin Laden, there’s a long list of patsies… guys that really should have sat down and took a few classes in geopolitics. Today’s helpful puppets are tomorrow’s dangerous dictators.
Notice how much money and well trained crazies come from Saudi Arabia? Notice the one country in the middle east (Israel not withstanding) that we don’t mess with? Saudi Arabia. Why? Oil, money, and political ties between the Saud royal family and Washington D.C. These endless religious fights and micro-wars are meant to destabilize the region and set it up for a scenario builder… either the embryonic creation of a middle eastern union similar to the EU, or a hotbed dead zone of Muslim kill-crazies who could possibly kick off World War III. Either way, mo money mo money… lots of problem-reaction-solution. Pavlovian dog training for the 21st century.
OMG that video makes my brain explode! I’m so mad right now!
I think they wanted to keep that oil in the ground … if there was an oil glut it would be 20 a barrel this keeps the price high.. also water can now be piped west for a country that is water desperate… so Iraq needs to be controlled…
My vote all along has been to let Iran fight ISIS/ISIL. Until the Turks or the Saudis get directly involved, it’s not our problem.
I will pick a few nits with the video. We’re quick to assume our own government is lying to us, but then take the comments made by the fighter in the video as truth? The beheading videos should tell you these people understand propaganda. Why wouldn’t they lie to further their own agenda?
Second, the video draws a direct line between Al Nusrah Front and ISIS/ISIL but fails to mention that Al Qaeda disavowed ISIS/ISIL some time ago and backs Al Nusrah as its chosen “franchisee” in the region.
(Source – http://gulfnews.com/news/region/iraq/key-al-qaida-branches-urge-united-front-against-coalition-1.1385953)
It’s not a simple situation and our best course of action, especially now that we’ve taken retribution for the beheadings, is to back out and let the Sunnis and Shites have their war.
My question in regards to the whole ISIS video thingy…why should I care?
Can you have someone add the correct edited math in audio, on the podcast? We don’t want people running on bad math, on a concept that many are trying to grasp. I know the community has people with the skills. Lets error correct the “fixes” in the still downloadable content. At least on stuff that helps us move forward. I am trying to “click” the news off as posted ion the sept 9th ?oh=9ec7b43d6f48d606bfcff6327c02f1f0&oe=54C79E13&__gda__=1422198892_74be6e872dc922464c93d1b51639bbee
I am looking on ways to add LONG TERM food forest to my direct property and surrounding land. The city has turned a bind eye to my gorilla seeding. They have even allowed me to put up a fenced garden in an urban area, as long as I mow the area around the land and sidewalk, making it look like I own it.
I am am willing to help with the audio.