A Special Message from Steven Harris
Guys and Gals, Steven Harris has been hard at work and has put together another awesome info packed product. He just sent me the following email to pass along to you. As you guys know I take no affiliate commissions when I do something like this and only do it on rare occasions, when I am truly impressed by a product or a service.
From Steven Harris – Dear TSP Audience. I have 3 things I want to let you know that I have recently accomplished with a lot of hard work and a lot of love. It was great fun making these videos. I have 3 new videos I have just released and if you liked my Battery Bank Videos, I think you will love these.
I did a video on bug out bag items that you have never seen before. 84+ items. Everyone has a youtube video on bug out bags and food for them and the rest, and it’s the same stuff over and over. I wanted to show you things that I got from the local store, like Home Depot, that had multiple uses in a bug out bag.
Like using a mothball and a cotton ball as a fire starter and how to use different sawsall blade (by hand) for the fast cutting of wood or getting through a fence or a lock. The video turned out to be 3.5 hours in length. I have a 4 minute video on how to start a fire with mothballs and cotton balls and more info on the video at http://www.BugOUT1234.com Of course I just had to make another 1234 site. You guys know me.
When I was doing the bug out bag video I knew that I had to include a section on keeping your cell phone 100% charged in all situations but there were just so many aspects to this that I had a hard time putting it into the bug out bag video. I finally decided to make this a separate video on its own and I took off running with this.
When I started I have 49 items to cover but I don’t know how many the final total is because I added a lot more items. I cover about every method known to man (that really works) on how to keep your cell phone and tablet charged 100% of the time. I cover this for the USA as well as 3rd world foreign countries and I cover how to do this in one of the worst places where your battery always goes dead; airports.
Good thing I made it a separate video because it turned out to be a jam packed 3 hours and 45 minutes. The feedback and testimonials on the video have been outstanding. I know you’ll enjoy it and you can read the testimonials and see a 20 minute sample of the video at http://www.CellPHONE1234.com
Oh…also. I cover 2 different solar panels to power your cell phone. I have a small 21 watt folding panel and I have a 100 watt solar panel that I show you powering a 4 AA battery charger, 2 18650’s charger, 1 cell phone, 1 tablet, and two 20,000mah batteries (photo included).
The third thing I did was a lot of you guys told me you wanted a shorter version of the battery bank video. So I made a cliffs notes version. I cut through a lot of the decision making and just told you here, pick from these 3 batteries. Then I show you how to do a home battery bank. I decided to throw in the kitchen sink as well and show you how to power your house from your car with an inverter.
How to store fuel for your car by multiple different methods. How to power your refrigerator and freezer from the car and inverter and yes <sigh>, how to make coffee from the same power source. Plus, believe it or not, I have complete diagrams of how to hook up solar panels to charge your batteries. I cover hooking the panels in series which reduces your wire size and lets your have a much longer wire run with an MPPT solar charge controller and I cover the more traditional method with thick wire and a PWM charge controller. The Storing and Generating Emergency Home Power Video can be found at http://www.Energy1234.com This video is 1 Hour and 53 Minutes verses the 4.5 hours for the full Battery Bank Video Series.
I know that a 3+ hour video might sound a little daunting. What can Steve do for 3 hours and 45 minutes on cell phones and 3 hours 30 minutes on bug out bags? Well there are that many details and it’s not boring either. The videos are fast passed and move from subject to subject quickly. One of my reviewers wrote to me and said, ”Watching a Steven Harris video is like smoking crack. You just want more and more and next thing you know you’re hooked and time just flew by.”
As with anything there is 100% satisfaction guaranteed on all videos and just for the TSP audience I have a 30% off coupon. Use coupon code TSP30 for 30% off. The coupon is good until 11:59pm EST Sunday Feb 17th, 2016.
No one else is getting this steep of a discount but I feel like TSP people are family. I could of not done this without you and I did it all for you. I’m very grateful for all of your emails and questions that you write me daily. It is one of the things that led me to make these videos. As always, if you have a question for me, just email me directly or the expert panel via Jack. I’m here for you.
Thank you
Steven Harris.
I bought the cell phone video. It is well worth the money. Steve put a lot of effort into it and it shows.
Bought them all last week. Classic Stephen Harris – thought-provoking, occasionally inspirational, well-researched, and HIGH-QUALITY.
Kudos to Stephen for helping make my EDC & BoB/GHB lighter yet better.