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Sean Cavendish
Sean Cavendish
12 years ago

Jack, I hope you guys have a safe trip home. Already. Looking forward to the report.

12 years ago

Glad you guys enjoyed your trip. I’m already making plans for a return trip to check out real estate. Look forward to hearing tomorrows show.

Glen Parkinson
Glen Parkinson
12 years ago

Have a great and safe trip home Jack and give ya dog a pat for me when ya bail him out of doggy jail 🙂
By the way for ya interest, doggy jail here cost $25 per dog per day but they look after them well.

Western Australia

12 years ago

Jack, was awesome to spend time with you and Dorothy on Saturday. I’m glad you enjoyed our wonderful state with it’s beautiful resources. I can never spend to much time in the White Mountains myself. Safe tavels home.

12 years ago

Jack, just listened to yesterday’s podcast of your presentation at the Liberty Forum. Good job what a great presentation. I plan on using that podcast as an introduction to prepping for my friends and family who aren’t familiar with the concepts. Again thank you and good job I’m sure you gained more than a few new listeners from the audience that attended.

12 years ago


Nice to meet you at the liberty fest ..

My parents had a condo in the White Mountains near Waterville valley throughout most of the 1980’s. Before I was a surfer, fly fishing for brook trout up in those little mountain streams was my main hobby. I used weight 4 line with wet flies I tied myself (mostly royal coachman’s and black gnats on size 14 hooks). In those little mountains streams 11 inches was a big trout. I found places in Quebec that had plenty of 12 to 15 inch brookies ..

Other places up there that are nice is the kancamangus highway and anywhere near the Pemigiwasett wilderness.

12 years ago

I really enjoyed your talk at the Liberty Forum and look forward to listening to your podcasts.

12 years ago

I am from NH near the White Mountains area. I think it is one of the most wonderful areas in New England area. Did you go through Franconia notch or maybe the Kacamangus hwy area?

12 years ago

The reason those trout where small is I never really liked fishing the bigger streams for stocked fish. I liked to fish for natives in small feeder streams. I mostly had to roll cast or do a bow cast I think it was called, not alot of room for a the other types of fly cast.

12 years ago
Reply to  surfivor


Thanks alot, It was good to meet you and your wife in person also.

I have 2 interviews this week. I just tend to worry alot about the economy and stuff like war with Iran effecting the economy. I get asked a million questions about stuff that never used to come up it seems like years ago. I guess I even worry about becoming an older computer programmer.

After my parents sold their place in the White Mountains I started doing canoe trips to Canada and did some fishing up there. I had some adventures in Canada including getting my toyota tercell stuck in a logging road 50 miles from any pavement and spending the night there, having a bear stand in the middle of the road on his hind legs blocking the road. I found a guys body who died of hypothermia hours before on a lake.

I learned white water canoeing skills (took a few lessons) and canoed some 130 miles of the Noir river in Quebec which was a 6 day trip through the wilderness with lots of class II rapids. I’ve done a few other shorter trips like that ..

I did one salmon fishing trip to Alaska as well ..

I did catch some Northern Pike in lake Champlain once.

I thought I’d mention that as I know you are a big fisherman ..

After my dad passed away I took a trip to Mexico and became interested in longboard surfing ever since then .. I still do some white water canoe trips here and there and have all my fishing gear someplace ..

12 years ago
Reply to  surfivor

That place you stayed in Hampton beach is close to some popular surf spots like north hampton beach (sea wall) and Rye NH. There is a big surf shop on that road. I did alot of surfing around there years ago. It’s one of the most popular surf areas close to Boston and gets alot of Mass surfers there which some of the local NH guys don’t really appreciate. New England has some decent surfing (not like the west coast of course). Rhode Island has warmer water from the gulf stream than the rest of new england and has got me thinking about a cottage down there maybe someday closer to the water if I could afford it. Good surf spots there too. Either that or maybe closer to NH coast but still in Boston area which has alot of high tech jobs ..

12 years ago

My wife and I really enjoyed meeting and hanging out with you and Dorothy. We are so thrilled to have had the opportunity to spend time with you both. Thank you so much for the TSP coins and for your sponsorship of the FSP. Your support is a huge boost for the cause!

I hope that you and Dorothy are almost home by now and that your trip went smoothly and safely. I hope that you enjoyed New Hampshire and that you both visit again soon!

Live Free or Die!

Andrew (mover 450ish)

P.S. Anyone up for a TSP get-together? Sorry I missed meeting some of the other listeners.

12 years ago

Hope you had a great time in New England. You got to hike Mt. Washington in the summer.

12 years ago

Glad to hear you liked the White Mountains. I can see them from here. LOL!
Sorry I couldn’t make it over to N.H. to meet you, but we Maine “hillbillys” won’t venture south of Oxford County (‘less it’s to go to Cabela’s).

12 years ago

Great presentation, well spoken, smooth, and full of great information as usual. I just wanted to say that my brothers and I have been hiking the White’s since we were able to walk. Even though we are scattered along the east coast, once a year we meet up for a hike in the Whites. What a place.