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Kyle Davidson
Kyle Davidson
16 years ago

About the life expectancy:

The 20 founders were are weathy landowners. Some prudence has to be given in that their lives lasted 75 years, but I doubt that every sailor, farmer, or common man would average 75 years.

Kyle Davidson
Kyle Davidson
16 years ago

*were all*

16 years ago

I posted this in the forum but wanted to post it here as well,

I just listened to today’s show and I am totally blown away and frankly totally out of any excuse about survival preps, personal responsibility and even political action. I can not for the life of me understand how a man like Jack can speak so passionately, so articulately and so beautifully while driving down a highway but I am sure grateful for it.

I have been listening for a long time to Jack and others on the radio and podcasts but I have never felt the way I felt by the end of today’s show and I for one am answering the “call to arms”.

All I can say is WOW! Thank you Jack and thanks to everyone here at the forum for all you guys do to share with everyone!

Brian Gallimore
16 years ago

Great podcast Jack! Your attitude about ownership of guns and land so that you are attached to freedom is a great point and your concept of focusing on common goals between the people around you instead of division by argument and division by label is great advice.

I’d like to hear more about your thoughts in the area of moving your money out of the market and into cash. I’ve read about trying to time the market and the problems in doing so… not sure that was your point, but I’d like you to expand on it.

16 years ago

Finally getting around to finishing the garden upgrade plans. We are going from 16 square feet with this year’s experimental Square Foot Garden to 44 square feet and will be growing 38 different fruits and veggies. Also, we will be adding a bench and lights to make all of our own starters except strawberries.

16 years ago

164 square feet is what I meant, we need 44 cubic feet of soil to fill it.

Susan Smith
Susan Smith
16 years ago

Lately, when listening to the news about taxing farmers for each cow, pig, and sheep they raise for producing Methane gas, and then a story that I’ve tried to find out if it’s true about a family in Ohio with a business called “Manna Storehouse” being raided for the food by the government…if they have controls on our food they have control over us. With this in mind my garden has doubled in size.
Great show…thanks for the reminder to use what we have.

mark grimes
mark grimes
16 years ago

best podcast so far

karl ronacher
16 years ago

I like your approach to survival and the fact that family is so important. Survival alone without love is not survival. I like you committment to family and cats. I am the same way! I live on 4 acres in weatherford and grow fruit. One peach tree in a good season can produce 200 to 300 pounds of fruit. I order the fruit from a nursury barren Fork Nursury where a peach treee is $3.00 minimum order of 180. They sell many other food and non-food items. I mainly heat my house with wood and i bought 50 acres in Palo Pinto with a 2500 feet of Keechi Creek. We put a cabin on it, it would be rough living but if things get really bad we would make it as a family.

Karl Ronacher

16 years ago

there are possible problems with depending on the government for health care, but the health care actually works pretty well here in europe. Many of us are also scared of ever going to the US because you can’t trust to be taken care of if you have an accident without your credit card in your pocket. At least that is how we perceive it.

14 years ago

I was recently introduced to the show, and started from the beginning. I have to say this is the best show yet!

I had an Econ teacher in High School, who said he would give extra credit to anyone in the class who would promise to read “The Richest Man in Babylon” at least once a year. (By promise I mean: put it in writing, sign it and hand it to him.) I took him up on that, even though I didn’t need the extra credit. I have my well read copy of the book even though it has been many years. This show is like that book… If you’ve never listened to it, you really need to; If it has been a while, listen to it again.