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Jeff - The Berkey Guy
Jeff - The Berkey Guy
12 years ago

Great to hear you had Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy on today!


12 years ago

I’ve met Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy and love their material. I would LOVE an electronic copy of the book in PDF. I try to keep my prepper library on my droid (I have solar charger for it).

I would like to buy a copy of both the hard copy and softcopy of the book.

Please advise,


Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago
Reply to  Libertyfox

I second the request for an e-book. I’d prefer Kindle format; if they go the e-book route, I understand that the software that produces it can make many different formats.

12 years ago
Reply to  Libertyfox

I’ll 3rd the request for an eBook format.

Patriot Warrior
Patriot Warrior
12 years ago
Reply to  Libertyfox

After listening to the show, I immediately purchased a copy of the book online. It will go nicely in my medical survival library.

I would still like to have an electronic copy of the book though. Is this possible?

Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago

GUEST STAR Dorothy Spirko — thanks for being on! Love to hear you on more on medical preparedness issues. Maybe Jack can interview you on taking care of common childhood ailments.

I really enjoyed this episode. I keep thinking The Survival Podcast can’t get any better, and then it does! Thanks Jack!

Fish Mox & Fish Flox are in my preps; I got them after the last time Doc Bones and Nurse Amy were on.

Suggestion for a future show: Doc Bones & Nurse Amy on building up a “blowout kit” for bullet & edged-instrument wounds and other bloodletting trauma. Doc Bones mentioned Quik-Clot; maybe he could talk more about what’s in his blowout kit.

I also wanted to hear what was in Joe Nobody’s blowout kit; maybe you can ask that next time he is on.

12 years ago

Hi Dorothy and welcome so loved hearing you on the show! Great job!

Excellent show Doc Bones & Nurse Amy what a pair they crack me up. I love laughing while learning.

Nurse Amy
12 years ago

Hi Backwoods Engineer!

Thanks for listening, we love talking to Jack and Dorothy, the time flys by. How cool was it that Dorothy was on the air!!

We do have a “blowout” bag, we call it our “Dr Bones Trauma PLUS”…. for you to see the content list just check out:

Feel free to use the list for your own bag, we are happy to help you out. I always create these bags with what “I” would want to have in an emergency, not with the cheapest (and useless) items.

***Just remember: knowledge, skills and practice are VITAL to medical preparedness. Know what you have and how to use it.***

Nurse Amy

12 years ago

Great show as always! Love hearing Dr Bones & Nurse Amy!

RE the videos, I use the upload to Youtube function on my iphone. It is AWESOME! Adding the tags and description is goofy, but after I load it, I go back and change it. Looking forward to more videos, AND the review of that camera dealy you were talking about

12 years ago

I’m SO glad to see a book like this. I have read a few medical type books geared towards a regular person in a disaster. I have been disappointed in almost all of them because of the silly ending of seeing a medical professional. What a stupid thing to put in a book for disasters. Thanks for such an informative book written by someone who actually THINKS about what they are writing as it pertains to practical use.

Raymond "Shorty" Butler
Raymond "Shorty" Butler
12 years ago

On med supply, freeze, refrigerate or shelf? How do I store for the longest life? I listened to the previous episode, had this question, unfortunately, I was out of pocket and forgot to ask. If this question has been explained, please just point to the answer. Ever since I have been eating fresh herbs, my health (mentally and physically) has been improving and I owe the change to Jack as well as his great guests. I do agree use hand fulls not spoon fulls, eat your meds not take them, unless you have to absolutely have to take man-made.

Great Day


j. alton, m.d. aka Dr. Bones

Hi Ray,

Refrigerate is fine, the potency of a medication lasts twice as long if stored at 50 degrees as opposed to say, 90 degrees…Dark, Dry, and Cool…

Dr. Bones

BELLA Medical Ministries

Great show Jack!! We had a similar discussion (when to use natural vs pharmaceutical medicine) on Zello the other night & this filled in many holes and questions that were asked (if you’re not on the TSP Zello channel you’re missing out!! DL the app, it’s FREE!). Great to hear Dorothy on as well, hope this happens more often, my wife would love to hear more on prepping from the female stand point.
Question for the Doom and Bloom team. What is the best way to store IV/IM meds to get maximum stabilization? We are familiar with the SLEP study for tabs/caps, but I cannot find any info on premixed or powdered (as in Solu-Medrol & some IV antibiotics) meds for IV/IM administration shelf life beyond expiration. Every time we ask an MD or hospital pharmacist we get the strange looks and the expiration date is the expiration date ansewer. We get a lot of donations of expired meds (with approval & administration orders from our Med Dir. of course, we’re mainly Paramedics not Docs and we know that.) We have used those meds on deployments both for life saving and continued care reas

j. alton, m.d. aka Dr. Bones

The SLEP revealed that the liquid medications stored by FEMA lost potency relatively soon after the expiration date compared to any pill, capsule or powder. Never mix IV med powder with water until you are ready to use it.
Doctors and pharmacists are paranoid about this subject….

Dr. Bones

12 years ago

I have investigated the SLEP program. It is very difficult to get any information about it…especially from doctors. I was at an EMS conference in Dallas a few months ago and every time I asked about it ( since there IS a medication shortage in this country), I was stonewalled. I did find out there there are multiple stockpiles of emergency medications (called CHEMPACKs) located at strategic locations around the country. They are stored in an environmentally controlled are which apparently extends the shelf life. By law, in order to be in the SLEP, a each lot of a chosen medication must be tested prior to being horded…err… included in the SLEP. This medication shortage is starting to affect Fire Departments and EMS providers and some are unable to obtain certain medications (at this point mainly Benzodiazepines for seizures and sedation). Opiates are also effected. Morphine is become in short supply.
Anywhoo… I did find out that dry meds/pills, tablets have a better shelf life than liquids, but no one would confirm exactly what the extended time period was. not a lot of help, but that is what I know.
Be Safe,

12 years ago

Just a little inside knowledge for shelf life stuff. First thing is to remember that shelf life is always based on some sort of half life. Second, the reason shelf lives are understated isn’t some greedy ploy by pharma to get you to throw stuff away and buy more. It is that for any given shelf life, they have to build a lot, hold it in real time aging, and test it after however long they want to claim. Long story short the way the testing works, there basically can’t be much of any real aging impact within the shelf life. Beyond that, it is just expensive with no real return for the company to prove shelf life further. 1 or 2 years is the norm. What to look for are things like 6 month shelf lives. That usually means they couldn’t get 1 or 2 years, and you might be hurting if you think it is okay much past that. So back to the half life thing, if 2 years to an antibiotic was something on the order of a 1-2% loss, you have a LONG time before the first half life is reached, and even then, if you are in a situation where one pill isn’t controlling an infection and your choice is to try taking two, or lay there and die, you think you might just take two?

j. alton, m.d. aka Dr. Bones

The data can be obtained by finding a copy of the July 2006 issue of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Medical school libraries would probably have it.

Dr. Bones…

12 years ago

I really enjoyed listening to the show. Dr Bones’ and Nurse Amy’s book on survival medicine arrived at my house just today after ordering it last week so when I saw Jack had done a podcast about their book I wanted to make sure I tuned in asap! It was nice to hear Dorothy on the show as well. I suspect she is a bit of a hidden treasure with lots of valuable information to share. Childhood diseases might be a good idea as someone else has said. All the best, Roses

12 years ago

Also for Nurse Amy and Doc Bones – a couple product requests / ideas:

1 – for the book, make it an instant download e-book with the book shipped out. I always want both the e-book and the hard copy, but it is hard to justify buying a book twice a lot of times.

2 – I’ve never seen it done, but I’ve always wanted to see a subscription model for first aid supplies. You could do sets where a subscriber could build a few complimentary kits over time, and you could have resupplies for stuff that actually does expire.

3 – If you really want to expand things, I’d love to see the above applied to preps in general.

12 years ago

…..did anyone catch the part about ethylene glycol…..i’ve been laughing for about the last 30 hour straight…..great marketing strategy

on a serious note…..krohn’s disease?….my wife has it and was wondering if their’s possibly anything that could ease that in the book? (other than the obvious keeping a 90 day supply of medication) I realize their might not be something to completely cure it….but every little bit helps…i know their was mention about it glutein talk…..anyone know who the guest was on that show so that i can research a little…..only so many hours in a day you know

Sarah @ The Claiming Liberty Blog
Reply to  ditchdigger

I’ve seen stories from a lot of folks online who’ve gotten significant relief of Crohn’s symptoms by eliminating wheat or going completely Paleo. People often feel that “going Paleo” isn’t compatible with long-term food storage, but it is, and it’s well worth it if it brings you relief from things like Chron’s, diabetes, IBS, fibromyalgia, and the like.

Jack’s said it many times before. Check out Robb Wolf’s site (http://robbwolf.com) or give his book a quick read.

I know that there are essential oils that can help with some of this stuff, but to be honest, if you’re having symptoms because you’re reacting to an irritant (like grain), then the easiest way to deal with it is to quit consuming the irritant so you don’t have to treat the symptoms. (Kinda like the guy who keeps taking aspirin for his headache but never goes to the hospital to get garden stake removed from his skull! :D)

12 years ago

…oh and by 30 hour…i actually meant 1/2 hour…..where is my mind….hah.

12 years ago

A really excellent interview – some very useful practical information 🙂
Btw, welcome Dorothy! I hope you consider coming on again soon! 🙂

Jack, it would be awesome if you could do an episode with Nurse Amy (and Doc Bones, if he would like to join in on the topic), talking with her from her background as midwife about families prepping both for babies and childbirth?
Some things you could perhaps talk about is homebirth, both where more mothers are choosing to rather do that today for different reasons, and where those skills and knowledge for that may be needed for an emergency – whether on the more personal scale of a couple (maybe living a bit more rurally) not being able to reach a doctor in time and needing to handle the baby being delivered, to a larger disaster scenario like where the health care system is down and hospitals may be overfull or unavailable, or possibly even something like a pandemic where the family may not want to leave the house, or hospitals being a dangerous risk for both mother and child?
What preps could someone put together to be prepared for a homebirth (or emergency birth) and to care for both mom and newborn, and also more long term preps to have for babies? What training or courses may be good for someone to get if they would like to be more prepared and able to support or help someone giving birth (but may not be able to do professional midwife training) or has given birth (especially possibly a new mother in a disaster situation)? What is some wisdom, skills and preps good for new expecting parents to try to gain?

As a young wife helping my husband with the preps, and where our little ones will be coming in the next couple of years, these are all things that have been on my own mind (and I’m sure also on other preppers’ minds who may be or will become parents, or have loved ones who are or will be pregnant one day), and would really appreciate her wisdom and input on that!

12 years ago
Reply to  Deborah

I second this

j. alton, m.d. aka Dr. Bones
Reply to  InBox485

Check out our articles “Birthing that Baby!” and “Pregnancy Issues when the SHTF” over at doomandbloom.net for more information…
Dr. Bones

Matthew in Gooseneck Ga
Matthew in Gooseneck Ga
12 years ago

It was great hearing from Dorothy!

12 years ago

Very good episode!!!

They started to tell us why there is an amoxicillan dosage for a 180lb. person, and not for a fish in a tank regardless of size, but then got off on something else…or did I miss it?

So…what’s with the dosages?

j. alton, m.d. aka Dr. Bones
Reply to  sukivel

aquarium antibiotics come in the exact dosages that are used for humans. For example, amoxicillin for fish comes in 250 and 500 mg doses, the same used for children and adults, respectively. You may hear that it’s because the medicine is put in the water, but there is no calibration for a 10 gallon tank vs. a 200 gallon tank. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to me and I say that most if not all aquarium antibiotics are just repackaged human antibiotics.

Dr. Bones

12 years ago

I’m late to the show, in some senses, but I’ve been involved in mass casualty incident training/planning and emergency management. The “triage” officer or process must be given to someone who is pretty well-versed in the scope of the content; yes, the actual care deliverers and system must be preserved to do the care. The purpose of the triage is to identify priority, as well as nature of need, but dominantly the core role is the toughest: to determine those cases which cannot and will not be saved no matter how much time, personnel or resource is involved. The triage officer must be “god”, and it’s a tough role. In a situation in which resources are limited, this is critical. If you are into deep research, find something by Enrico Quarantelli, Ph.D., of the Disaster Research Center, on emergency medical care in a disaster and related topics; he and related folks have written dozens of monographs.

12 years ago

Coalescing Effective Community Disaster Response:
Simulation and Virtual Communities of Practice
December 2005