Episode-534- Prep? Save Money? Or Enjoy Life?
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A question I get often is some variation of the following….
- When do I stop prepping for a while and simply save some of our money?
- When have I invested enough into prepping and should just start blowing some money once in a while?
- How do I stay positive in the face of all the problems headed our way?
In essence these folks are asking at the core of things….
- Is there hope in spite of the danger?
- Is it okay to just have fun in spite of what might be coming?
- Is there a such things as a “maintenance mode” as a prepper?
The nice thing is the answer to those last three questions are yes, yes and yes.
Join Me Today as We Discuss…
- A quick refresher on commonality and probability
- Exactly what is “money” anyway, why do we have it
- What is life all about, what are we surviving for?
- Setting your personal goals, the big ones
- Time to debt freedom
- Time forward in self reliance
- Percentage of self sufficiency
- Where you will go if you have to leave
- How you want your daily life to be
- What you need for basic comfort
- What you need to be truly happy
- What level of physical security do you desire
- What level of financial security do you desire
- How much redundancy do you want
- The reasons most people won’t ask these questions
- They require you to be 100% responsible for yourself
- The answers are subject to your self imposed limitations
- We have been conditioned to think focusing on what we want is selfish
- The resulting answers require massive action
- We all have a desire to “fit in” on some level, even me
- Your plan is going to require sacrifice for some period of time
- Why you can make it happen
- In the end you make the decisions
- You have the courage to ask the questions
- It ain’t as hard as “they” make it out to be
- We don’t have to prepared for “the end” just change
Resources for Today’s Show
- Members Support Brigade
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- Western Botanicals – (sponsor of the day)
- Ready Made Resources – (sponsor of the day)
- Members Support Brigade
- Ron Hood’s Survival.com Magazine
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
My goal is to have enought live stock & en-large my garden so I don’t have to come off the hill & deal with the crazy people in town.
It seems like everytime I am struggling with an issue you have a show that points me in the right direction. I have been diligent in my prepping efforts; however I still have anxiety about my debt, it isn’t going away as quickly as I want. After today’s show, I realized that I can ease up on the prepping/accumulation of goods and attack the debt with the same diligence. Seems like a no brainer, but I was struggling with it! Duh, sometimes, no matter how smart we are, someone else saying the words to us helps tremendously! So the “debt attack” begins! I want to feel as positive about my finances as I do about my other prepping efforts. I give you a big thumbs up for being so attuned to your listeners!
What swoods said!
I know how you feel because I have the same feeling from time to time, just keep at it. Draw the picture in your mind, and return to it often, of you where ever it is you would like to see yourself in five years. Every time you get a little anxious or let down return to that image and revel in it, feel the joy and accomplishment. It will help.
@ Jack,
Thank you for all you do with TSP and specifically this episode. You are my “most interesting man in the world” although I WON’T resist the strong urge to thank you after you punched me in the face. THANK YOU. It’s the most empowering kick in the junk I’ve ever gotten. This episode may be a monthly listen to for me.
Dadgommit, I got myself mixed up. Jack I was talking about was 531 “Life on your own terms.” I did enjoy this episode as well. I will repost my comment in the correct episode comments.
Hey Jack,
Great episode. I had a pretty rough day at work yesterday, and the timing of this particular podcast spoke to me more than most.
My life is full of intense education – but not so well balanced with fun. I sacrifice a lot for what I do, mostly for its challenge (you hit this concept on the dot), but at the same time I often feel like what I do drags me away from who I am,,, from who I should be. Your podcast, which I listened to on my way home from work, reminded me of why I do what I do, but more so, inspired me to not lose myself in it.
Inspired,,, when I got home, I grabbed a beer, went outside and spent some time watering my new fall/winter garden. I then went to work customizing a new stock for my 30-06. By the time I was done, I felt like me again.
Thanks Jack,
I really mean it.
Thanks Jack. I tend to worry, which is why I prep, but as most of those above have already admitted, it’s so darn easy to start obsessing about the progress of our preps. The more we get involved and learn about what we can do, the more we realize we should be doing. I often start to beat myself up with “what about this?” “what about that?” “Why didn’t I consider ?” When you said “Shut UP!” and told me/us to get a grip, you made me back off and reconsider. You’re right, we can’t plan for every eventuality, we can only do our best and follow our plan.
Thanks for the hard work and the reality check, Jack.
Keep up the great work, and keep feeding the flock.
Exactly what I needed to hear, thanks Jack.