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Louisiana Suvivor
Louisiana Suvivor
15 years ago

great show as always jack. i read that lady's blog on you…..wow what an ignorant person. i also sent the Lew Rockwell article you did to all my peeps. grats on 250 and can't wait for ep 1000!

15 years ago

Jack, took a quick look at this Christine person's blog, and that entire website is obviously far left-wing. Couldn't even bring myself to read much on it. I did post a rational, calm response to her post about you, but I doubt very seriously if it'll ever be made public.

Keep up the good work, Jack. 🙂

15 years ago
Reply to  SteveB

SteveB, not sure what user name you used over there, but your comment would have been made public as soon as you posted it. I'm surprised you didn't notice.

Yes, we're a progressive blog. We're proud of that.

There are a lot of liberal preppers. You might be surprised.

15 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Christine, you mentioned being a "progressive", what does "progressive" mean to you?

FYI, to me it means nanny-statism at the expensive of a representative republic, IMPERIALISM, and a helluva lot of war mongering.

Canadian Nomad
Canadian Nomad
15 years ago

Jack, might be a 'book/site/video recommendation' as opposed to a question, what resources would you recommend for learning utilizing how to use the whole grains into recognizable food products beyond the obvious ones. Of course this is beyond the three month food storage, but still a fairly useful skill to learn to make 'really from scratch' sorts of meals.

15 years ago

Jack – don't let that blogger frost your cupcakes too bad. She has obviously not even taken a cursory look at your site or listened to your podcasts. To say you're an isolationist survivalist is ludicrous when you tell everybody over and over again (I'm not criticizing your repetition – it's good) about a threat-probability matrix. A bug-out location is there for any number of reasons. As for not helping out your neighbors … uh don't know how to comment on that – you are devoting a significant portion of your time to podcasts helping an enormous virtual neighborhood get prepared.

15 years ago

She is obviously seeing things through a different set of glasses than most of us… I agree with you about how silly her post was. Young, uninformed… not letting the facts get in the way of a good (fictional) story…

Shake the dust off your feet and leave her behind, Jack…

Loved the podcast today… I so agree about the "store what you eat and eat what you store" thing. I have friends who want to start storing grain, and I emphasized that they need to really get into making their own bread and using the stuff before they "have to".

Carol Parizon
15 years ago

I made a Vegetable beef soup a few months ago using veggies I dried. portabella mushrooms, corn, peas,& onion and added some frozen green beans from my garden and used a can of v8 juice for the stock, packet of lipton onion soup mix & added a can of beef chunks from my stores and had my husband try it…….He loved it! I was just experimenting with him and rotating some of my stores…..I will be doing this again. great podcast today.

15 years ago

Whoa. Harsh.

Jack, thanks for the traffic to my blog. I forgot about that post. Wish you'd have gotten some updates before sending the crew over to call me a liar.

What you don't know (or maybe you do) is that I'm a long-time listener and member of the TSP support brigade. I visit the TSP forums daily and soak up everything I can from the users.

After that open thread I did start to question whether it is isolationist survivalism that you preach. I've come to the conclusion that it's not as isolationist as I thought, but frankly, it was because of podcasts that came after that open thread. I might have updated it, if I remembered, and had the time.

I became a member of the TSP brigade because I wanted to support you, because you're the only good source of info I can find on certain subjects. Honestly, hands down, you are the best on so many issues. I don't like your politics, I think you're wrong on that, and I don't like your references to sheep. Since I am a regular listener, I know the sheep issue is one that you've addressed multiple times and have a firm position on. There's really no reason for me to bring any of these things up with you personally, your opinions on politics and sheep are well known.

I often have to skip 5-10 minutes of your show because I don't want to hear you talking about how stupid some people are. But as you say, it's "one man's opinion." My blog is "one woman's opinion." And it's unfortunate that you called me a liar, and asked other people to call me a liar, in response to my opinion of your show. I'm not sure what effect you were going for there.

The examples I gave are not lies, you were not misquoted, and I did not take anything out of context. Also, the sentence about fantasy lies that you have quoted above is not anywhere in my post, and it's not an accurate representation of what I was saying.

And libertarianism is right wing. You are indeed a right winger, in my opinion. I believe that you do truly think that Republicans are idiots, just like Democrats, but at the end of your show, listeners are left believing that if they vote Republican, they are less likely to die.

Oh well. Love about 75% the forums and the show, which is why I became a member of the brigade. Sorry you got so offended by my open thread. About 3-4 weeks ago, I also noted that I spelled your name wrong, and added the correct spelling. I guess you didn't notice.

I'll skip today's show & tune in tomorrow. Not really interested in the audio version of 'this assclown is a liar'

Keep up the mostly good work.


15 years ago

hey jack dont give that bitch face time on your show she`s just looking for her 15 mins. of fame.let her find it some where else.

15 years ago

Jack and Christine,
After reading Christine's article I have to agree she has done you a disservice. Does she claim to be a journalist, no. By attributing statements to you that are more summary/opinion than fact she is putting words in your mouth…lieing.

I agree she owes you an apology and she needs to admit she is not a journalist but is shooting from the hip her personal opinions. By failing to present her opinions as such she has defamed your name and reputation.

Having established that let me say that I must agree with some of her opinions. I fast forward through a great deal of 'noise' on your podcast that you may consider color I find nothing more than ranting.

I understand your format precludes editing but I have often found myself wanting to listen to the GREAT information without the 'assclown' segments, profanity and yelling. I respect that this is your podcast and understand that you can do what you want but when I say this I believe I represent a large group that never comments.

I value your opinion both as a former service member, small business person and a rational preparedness expert. Your goals of teaching us to prepare for ALL crises through producing, skill sets, hard work and mental preparedness has impressed me from day one.

I play the odds that I am much more likely to need to survive a health, job, financial or community crises than I will ever need to concern myself with NBC attacks, government collapses and run-away hyper inflation where we all crawl from our bunkers to trade gold coins for seeds or something.

I look forward to continuing to listen to your A++ podcast.

Granny Miller
15 years ago

Very good show. I hope your article at LR goes completely off the chart!
You hit all the important points and I couldn't have said it better.
Well, maybe I could have 🙂 (read p.s.)

I agree with you that people should be using all their food
(long term stored or otherwise) routinely in their daily diets.

In the event of a crisis situation immune systems and interpersonal relationships are going to take a hit.
The added stress of unfamiliar or nasty tasting food will only make the situation worse.

While I don't advocate lots of sugary foods for children or for adults, I do think that it's important to make provision for "treats" or desserts in all home food storage plans.
When times are rough cookies or pudding can go a long way in making the situation more bearable.
Especially if you are 7 years old.

Over the year's I've run into a lot of people who think they're going to live off of beans, rice, MRE's, dehydrated foods and other assorted "bunker" type foods in an emergency.
And such people are going to be in for a rude surprise in the event trouble comes their way.

Speaking of rude…..
sorry to say you can be quite rude and in my opinion you need your mouth washed out with soap. you do alienate many would be listeners. which is a shame because some of the information you are presenting is important.
christine from bfm obviously has never listened to more than a few minutes of your podcasts (maybe because you are abrasive) she seems to be naive, young, foolish and maybe not too bright. i would have thought you had an ego structure that could have withstood her critique and silly blog and not felt like you needed to spend you listener's time on the subject.

Granny Miller
15 years ago

Jack –
I actually do know what made TSP what it is.
And I'm very glad for it and very happy for you.

It is my sincere prayer that millions of people will sit up and take notice of the message of personal responsibility and self reliance that you and others are trying to get out.

Jack, I remember when you first landed on HT and were all wet behind the ears 🙂 You've come a long way since then.

You are young (to me) and still have a piece of rough road ahead of you.
You are making a difference for sure.
But you could be so much more effective.
You don't have to be rude or offensive to make a difference in the lives of others.

I came to your podcast via LR.
I was frankly shocked that LR recommend your podcast due to your lack of self censor and childish tirades.

So Christine lied or misrepresented you.
Big deal.
Happens every day.

I believe your long term goals and interests would be better served if you could learn to stuff your ego and keep centered upon your primary objective – reaching as many people as possible.

15 years ago

I loved your take on The Colony, "we'd be gut shoot'n us some Honda's…." Classic – keep it up!

15 years ago


What you are doing is irresponsible journalism. You're lying for the cheap entertainment of appealing to your audience. It's gimmicky and, if I were a regular reader of your blog, I'd be the most offended. For the record, misquoting and putting words in people's mouths are not matters of personal "opinion". It's just plain old lying.

I'm a supporter of free speech and blogger's rights, but when you lie, someone's going to call you out on it. And when your shield of anonymity falls down around you, you have to be prepared to face the brunt of those you offended head on. There are two ways to handle this. Either stand by the integrity of your piece by backing up your statements with actual evidence, or confess to your lies and apologize to your audience for insulting their intelligence.

Anonymous (no seriously, anonymous)


Express Your Discontent Here:

Barry, Christine christinebarry@msn.com
PO Box 62
Corunna, MI 48817
United States

Please be RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE with this information.

15 years ago

It may have gotten lost in the whole "Christine-Gate" but thanks for chasing down some more info on the safe-deposit box thing. This is a good example of how complex .gov regulations have become even at the consumer level.

Prep Hard!

15 years ago

Jack, __I read Christine Artilce and the forum posts, and it is apparent to me that she has never really listened to your show. This is simply a reactive lie to someone who doesn't like your politics, much like Pelosi and friend reaction to the Tea Parties and Twon hall meeting. __Like Glenn Beck says, they attack and riducle to try to minimize your impact.__Stay true to yourself and your ideals. There are to many who will not say what they really feel. That is what i Like about your show. –

15 years ago

“Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong.”

-Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782)

Unfortunately, Christine is prone to error. She admits to having made her post out of ignorance and appears to have filled the (at the time) void in her knowledge from common stereotypes. Then, here, she committed the same error again with regards to libertarianism.

For 17 years I have been an increasingly libertarian-minded independent who several times has voted Democratic, as the Republicans often push an overtly religious agenda. It becomes a question of which rights I want violated: property, or civil liberty. Many libertarians will choose the latter when pressed. Such people are not extreme left-leaning any more than libertarians who choose the former are extreme right-leaning. A separate perspective from either the Democrats or the Republicans is motivating the choice.

As for Jack’s attitude, I prefer it when people express what they think directly and truly, as opposed to employing careful polite sophistry. Has he offended me? On occasion. Do I think he should care? No. Do I care if this offends him? No. Probably just the libertarian in me.

Houston mom
15 years ago

I tried to comment on the clown’s blog, but gave up trying to get a comment posted. Jack was right about posting comments. I don’t think she really wants feedback anyway.

15 years ago

Loving the Podcasts on the Food Storage. Keep them coming! I would like to hear more or maybe some more videos on MSB about using your food preps, like your Using Your Preps -1 – Fish Chowder video.

Keep up the good work and don’t let the assclowns get you down!


Dr. Horrible
Dr. Horrible
15 years ago

You probably gave her more attention than her blog’s ever gotten.

I’ll admit I don’t listen to the political podcasts and vastly prefer the more practical prep programs. Not that I disagree with them (though I’m more Constitutionalist and less libertarian than Jack), but that I can get the same rant from talking to any of a dozen friends and relatives; why would I listen to a podcast to hear the same thing?

15 years ago

Thank you for reading my comment. We can agree to disagree on these issues. I will make one more plea to you and sign off on this issue.

Great men listen as well as preach. Your listeners want you to succeed and we want you to be as influential as possible so that a rational advocate for our voices rises outside the realm of the \’survivalist/militia/conservative\’ ranks that can achieve a wider audience. We desperately need you to be better than your contemporaries.

Can you be satisfied with pushing away listeners who do not agree with your joy of profanity, diatribes and invective? You have referenced that your goal is to make TSP your full time job then you might be open to constructive criticism.

Many listeners want to see your voice grow beyond your opinions to represent our passion of preparedness. There is a dire need for America to prepare for tough times and you have the strength to reach outside the core of the preparedness movement to make real progress.

The litmus test of a good idea is not being debt free or having built a blog from scratch. Your comments present people who are not at the place in life that you are as not worthy of your consideration. This fails to acknowledge that your success is due in part to the audience. Just as the work of your employees is part of your business success.

That isn\’t taking anything away from the time/effort/skill/joy that you have poured into TSP. You have earned your TSP income and you have the only right to call the shots. But be aware that withdrawing from those who disagree with you, surrounding yourself with people who unquestionably agree, is a dangerous path to take.

When your efforts to retreat to Arkansas and disconnect from reliance of others comes about I see this process accelerating. Sometimes we have to be careful what we ask for as we might get just that.

It is disingenuous to say that you welcome all political leanings, you are open to divergent opinions and that TSP is only your opinion then to preclude any value to those ideas and establish a test of being debt free and running their own blog as the boundary to having worth.

Things fall apart Jack and when you succeed in building an audience limited to those who can only agree with you then you will have achieved your unstated goal but you will have failed to make any difference to those who are fighting to drag themselves out of the \’sheeple\’ herd.

Again, thank your for reading my comment. I will now take my opinions offline on this matter and respectfully read your response to allow you the last word.

15 years ago

Thank you for reading my comment. I will only respond to your direct questions.

Yes, I did read your exclusion. I did not consider it directed toward me. Yet as I am not debt free and I have not produced a blog/podcast to your satisfaction there was no reason not to respond.

I sense that you wish to always be positive but that you feel strongly about this issue. It is my hope that you sense this in me also. This will conclude my effort.

Again, thank you for the podcast. I accept it as it is and will not question what it could become.

I will pray that I am wrong.

15 years ago

I wouldn’t sweat this too much Jack, there are too many stupid people infected with the influence of other people. Having spent a miserable 6 years of my life in Michigan, I will give my honest opinion. People can say as much as they want about the pubic education system in Florida or Texas, but the average person in Michigan would not find themselves readily accepted in any other state as nothing more than mildly retarded at best regardless of their public education system.