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Brian Vanderzanden
Brian Vanderzanden
15 years ago

Regarding phones:
If you are like me you may rely solely on your cell phones and do not pay the extra money for a home phone. What many don’t know is that even if you aren’t paying for phone service many states still require that 911 service stay enabled for all residences. In case cell service is down keep a wired phone handy and you might still be able to reach 911 service.


joed dupont
joed dupont
15 years ago

Glen beck was talking about buying gold and extra food. He said that gold might not be good for your particular circumstances but food is.

15 years ago

Where can one learn to safely use a chainsaw? We never had one growing up and my dad had a friend who cut half his hand off with one, so I would love to learn to use one in a sage and correct manner.

15 years ago

Whether bugging in or out, SOMEHOW we have to deal with human effluents… In town, water pressure to flush the toilet does NOT necessarily mean the sewers are working; many flush by gravity to a sump in the street, and use powered pumps from there to the treatment plant.

No power, no pump, and the sump runneth over. Living on the low-land, I’ve seen the sump at the end of the alley form a small geyser as the homes up the hill continued to drain water into a sump where the pump was dead.

You can recycle your own effluent into fertilizer with a bucket, dirt, and carbon (dried grass, leaves, sawdust), but convincing your neighbors NOT to flush might be a priority.

15 years ago

Why not just get a solid tire for your wheel barrel

15 years ago

As far phones working in an extended power outage. Only \"old school\" landlines will continue to work as the phone company powers these networks themselves and all Central Offices have generator back up. Cable Company phone service will go out with the power and newer fiber optic networks from the phone companies only have a 24 hour battery back up at the side of your house.

-Mike \"Verizon Lineman\"

Dr Falken
Dr Falken
15 years ago

Didn”t listen this yet, but a lot of the things you list are things that I have, or on the list. That is reassuring! One thing that I would add, a a subset of insect repellent, is bug sprays, especially hornet/wasp spray, for nest and ground bees. There is really no good way to deal with them, and a swarm of bees or hornets can be very annoying. I usually try to keep a couple cans on hand.

I suppose a person could deal with them at night or a cool day by knocking the nest down, or as my dad use to do, spraying the nest with oil.

Heavy G
15 years ago

Jack: I really like these podcasts on overlooked items and skills.

15 years ago

Cast iron is the way to go all the time. With the exception of a few stainless steel pots all we use is cast iron. Lodge brand is the way to go. It is slightly more expensive, but still reasonably priced, and they come pre-seasoned. That means you really don’t have to worry about cooking a lot of high fat stuff before things stop sticking to them.

15 years ago

Great show. I too like the shows on overlooked items.

One I added was siphon pump ($8 Harbor Freight) for gas transfer. You never know when you need to leave a vehicle behind (or find one abandoned in SHTF), and have the capacity to capture the fuel. This happened in Katrina when we were stuck in Jackson, MS with little gas. I wish I had the siphon then. We made due, but it would have been very handy to have. More for a vehicle kit, but you get the idea.
