13Skills.com Gets Better – Basic Following Added
We have been working to add more features to 13Skills.com to help make the community really grow and give members what they need to interact at a higher level. The initial site is pretty basic but we have a lot of plans to keep improving it.
Our crack programmer David Larsen just added a great feature with “basic following” this will allow you to follow other members and let them follow you. The first update here is pretty simple but more will be coming soon. To follow a member just view their profile and then click on follow up near the top of their page.

We Have Added Basic Following to 13Skills.com
We have some other things in the works including letting users communicate directly with each other and a way for experienced members to list areas and skills sets they are already well versed in and are willing to act as a mentor for.
Again guys keep up the progress and keep telling your friends about 13Skills, you do that and we will continue to make the site better, more interactive and together we can grow it into “the skills site” on the internet. If you want to follow our team on 13skills I am ModernSurvival on, Dorothy is SkillGirl and David is Larsenal.
To try the feature go to the 13Skills Home Page and Log In and start finding some folks with the same goals you have.
Man Jack this just gets better and better. Signed up today so Can’t wait to get approved and get the ball rolling…..