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Marc Hallee
Marc Hallee
12 years ago

Woodworking = building something from wood, a shoe rack, a cabinet, etc.
Working with Kids = spend some time doing a project with kids to teach them a skill, garden with them, build a tree house, a soap box car
Plant Identification and Usage
Self Defense Skills

12 years ago

I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while. Here are some I’d like to learn in 2013:

(more about) canning
construction (building things like coops and shelving-don’t want to wait around for hubby to do it)
tools (best ones to get and how to use)
hunting and processing kills
organic gardening
fruit orchard maintenance
preserving and storing food (root cellaring, food drying, canning)

I’m sure there are more, but these are my targets this year.


12 years ago

Well, I don’t know exactly what you would call this seed, but I’d say “household maintenance” or simply “mechanical” would be a good starter. Something that could include all the typical handyman skills like fixing broken household items, maintaining a car, and installing new appliances.

12 years ago

– Slingshot shooting
– Woodworking
– Electrical work

12 years ago

Automotive repair
HAM radio
cooking (from preps)

12 years ago

Carpentry, auto repair, small engine repair, animal tracking.

12 years ago

Perform basic automotive maintenance….. I.e. perform an oil change, basic gardening

Grey Mas
Grey Mas
12 years ago

HAM Radio licensed

12 years ago

– Knot tying
– Blade sharpening
– First Aid training
– HAM radio operation
– Handgun use
– Shotgun use
– Long gun use
– Chainsaw use
– Tracking skills
– Making Cordage from plants
– Medicinal Plant use
– Communications/negotiation skills (could be useful in a tense situation if you know how to keep people cool through use of language)

Owen McConnell
Owen McConnell
12 years ago

Welding, blacksmithing, tanning( as in animal hides not like Bob Barker tan), learn an instrument, learn a computer program such as excel or C+ or java, cooking, brewing, wine making, timberframing. Hope these are helpful

12 years ago

Blade smithing, leather working, and sewing

12 years ago

First thoughts:
Foraging (edibles, medicinal)
Food Preservation: Food Dehydration, Canning (jams, water bath, pressure) Freezing
Fermenting foods
Fermenting beverages (beer, wine, kombucha)
Shelter Construction
Electric Hand Tool Operation (circular saws, drills, jig saws, radial arm, etc.)
Firearm Training

12 years ago

heres some of what im doin this year.
install a basic solar charger with small battery bank (what is an amp hour?)
making candles (what should i stock up on)
cheese making (for the love of chedder!)
F-class shooting (1000 yard shot)
how to administer an IV (where do i stick this?)
wiring my own security system (this one is kind of intimidating me)
figure out why my 223 reloads are jamming? (semi-auto reloading technique)
HAVING FUN…. (cause i forget this one some times)
building my first ar-15 (zombie guns dont build them selves)
put together a cold weather kit (addition to the regular bug out bag)

Bob Warne
Bob Warne
12 years ago

Basic Carpentry (8 x 12 shed project with gabled roof)
Rifle marksmanship
Dehydrating food preservation
Game cleaning/dressing—rabbit
Metal fabrication/welding

12 years ago
Reply to  Bob Warne

Here are some of the ones I’m thinking for my list.

Business management
Permaculture design
Musical instrument
Medical training
Smoking meat
Brewing or vinting
Working with horses
Making biodiesel
Mushroom hunting
Black powder shooting
Working with sheep
Rabbit breeding

12 years ago

Persuasive speech/debate
Community building (getting people together with a purpose)

I think the arts of clear-headed debate and communication are probably our collective best shot at avoiding a future of excessive regulation, at least at the local level.

12 years ago
Reply to  Erik

This is the side of prepping that gets mowed over. The aspect of prepping that is “localism”–being prepared to deal much more head-on with local government. As part of speech/debate I’d add logic and rhetoric. Most argumentation I read or hear these days is 90% emotional, 10% actual mental reasoning and logical thought process.

MA Lady Prepper
MA Lady Prepper
12 years ago

Handgun skills & license
Fix-it skills
Garden harvest food processing skills…what to do with the abundance
How to spread the word on TSP without people thinking we are cooks skill
Preparing for extended power loss

12 years ago

Here is my list:
1. Gunsmithing
2. Welding
3. Blacksmithing
4. Leatherworking
5. Pottery
6. Masonry
7. Distilling (alcohol/gasoline) production
8. Small engine repair
9. Tracking
10. Carpentry / Woodworking
11. Birthing / Midwifing
12. Land Navigation
13. Combat First Aid

12 years ago

Animal Husbandry
Soap and detergent making
Entrepreneurship/Business managing
Accounting and Budgeting
Painting, Singing/Music, Arts

This is a great idea and I am very excited to learn many more new skills along with our community!

12 years ago

Bee keeping
Building a solar oven

12 years ago
Reply to  Lynda

Yes! Those are on my list, too 🙂

12 years ago

I love this idea! Here are some that are on my “to do” list…

Spinning natural fibers (angora rabbit, cotton, wool, etc.)
Crocheting (focusing on functional items more than decorative)
Food dehydrating
Personal endurance/stamina/strength
Raising/breeding small livestock
Making herbal remedies
Making cosmetics, toiletries, household cleaners
Curing/smoking meats
Extracting oil from nuts/seeds/avocado
Making butter
Growing, drying, grinding corn and making traditional corn tortillas
Making plant/vegetable dyes
Growing/preserving bushel and luffa gourds
Seed saving/plant breeding

That’s all I can think of right now…excited for this!

gator bee gal
gator bee gal
12 years ago

Homestead animal husbandry (chickens, rabbits, fish, goats)
Dog training (obedience, personal protection, and tracking – thanks Joel Ryals from Dunetos K-9 for being my mentor here)
Rifle markmanship
Concealed weapons permit
How to filet a fish
Local wild plant identification and use
Experimentation with different types of gardening (aquaponics vs. square foot gardening vs. sub-irrigated vs. wicking bed, etc.)
Thank you Jack, this is just the motivation I needed to get going!

12 years ago

How about some fun ones?
– salsa dancing
– juggling
– chess (I actually prefer the ancient Chinese game called Go, but finding someone to play chess with is way more common)
– basketball shooting (no, not shooting basketballs with your AR)
– massage
– build/customize/repair a bicycle
– get a motorcycle license

These might not seem like survival skills, but they help build relationships and community which is what we’re ultimately surviving for, right?

12 years ago

Making Salves and Balms with beeswax/herbs/plants

12 years ago

Not directly for survival, but improving my guitar/flute skills would go on my list, too. Music is healing!

Toolbox Lady
Toolbox Lady
12 years ago

Actually, music is a very important skill, especially if there are kids around. No TV, no video games, everything is different and the grownups are acting stressed. Mental health is a big part of survival in a traumatic situation. Guitar by candlelight, a board game and a good book are definitely on my essential list.

12 years ago

If you listen to Selco of SHTFSchool.com , he speaks about how important music was during the complete breakdown in Bosnia in the city he was trapped in.

Zane Clark
Zane Clark
12 years ago

Second Language, in my case and area, Spanish

12 years ago

Let’s see, what hasn’t been said yet..
– (knife) sharpening
– butchering
– local plant/herb knowledge
– making soaps (bar, liquid, laundry, shampoo..)
– distilling fuel
– dying (yarn, wool to be spun)
– running
– meditation
– darning
– knitting (more complicated stuff)
– budgeting
– not procrastinating

12 years ago
Reply to  Amy

Looking at others’ lists and seeing where I could point out resources, is there going to be some way for us to provide links/information to those wanting to learn a specific thing? Like a wiki-like page dedicated to each skill where folks could point to good places to start out.

12 years ago

Here’s my quick list, it may change though.

Save seeds
Soap making
Make beeswax candles
Brew beer
Grow and harvest grain
Gun skills
Orchard planting and maintenance
Simple auto repair and maintenance
Small engine repair and maintenance
Basic first aid
Networking with other preppers

Jason Tomblin
Jason Tomblin
12 years ago

Plant/Tree Grafting
Foraging (Crabbing, Wildcrafting)
Mushroom Cultivation
Solar Heating (active/passive)
Seed Saving

12 years ago

* Law
* Teaching
* Business
* Tool Maintenance
* Computer Use
* Computer Programming
* Raising Livestock
* Automotive Mechanics
* Simple Mechanics (i.e. bicycle)
* Fitness

12 years ago

basic carpentry, pickling, creating a seminar,archery, marksmanship,making a windmill/wind generator, making a solar power system.

Uncle Dewey
Uncle Dewey
12 years ago

One I haven’t seen on anybody else’s list yet is water catchment/filtering/purification and storage. It is definitely on mine.

tarheelgarden Joe
tarheelgarden Joe
12 years ago

ham radio
building solar systems

12 years ago

-Beekeeping…specifically top bar hives
-Small scale livestock…want to breed rabbits for food
-Gardening…just moved and am renting. Need ingenious solutions to container/portable gardening.
-Brewing/distilling…nuff said.
-Food preservation…long term, would like to be able to freeze dry on my own.
-Recycling…ideas on using things that you’d normally just throw away. I have a serious container fetish (i cant throw out all the coffee cans and the like) but need to find some practical uses before my wife kills me.
-Income…I have alot of useful skills but can’t seem to get my head around how to monetize them.
-Water purification/filtration…things I can make/build so I don’t have to fork out wads of cash.
-Medical skills.
I have more but I’ll wait to see what else shows up on the list.

12 years ago

Play an instrument
Fermenting veggies
physical fitness
make cheeses
use what I have instead of buying something

Ronnie in Iowa
Ronnie in Iowa
12 years ago

Raising chickens for eggs.
Rabbits for meat and pelts.
Indoor gardening (my lemon tree is here and doing fine).
Woodworking skills (I have zero).
Making more homemade soaps, cleaning aids.
Building a rain water catch system.
Work on a book.
Find a like minded male companion to share my life with.
Display my auto-graphics in more places & offer to barter for it.
Get my vinyl cutter paid off.
Learn more about herbal medicines.
Run for city counsel.
Work on youth projects through like minded individuals.
Fast and pray a great deal more.

Robert gobel
Robert gobel
12 years ago

Knitting Crocheting forestry

John Britely
John Britely
12 years ago

primitive camping
pressure canning
pruning trees
more knots
welding (based on being able to buy a welder or take a class)

12 years ago

Emergency Medical Tech

Jason in Tulsa
Jason in Tulsa
12 years ago

I love all the skills that people are posting – there are a lot of interesting posts and I’ve already added some of them to ‘my list.”

Here’s a couple that I’m planning on in ’13

– “Web Application Development” – (I learned [and continue to learn] Ruby on Rails in 2012 – my sub category will be “JavaScript / Ajax” ) – Not a typical ‘Survival Skill” in the common definition; but, for me improving my financial situation is survival.

– “Arduino Development” – There are a lot of things these little boards can do to improve the functionality of things like wind turbines, aquaponics, etc..

– “Aquaponics” – which will go hand-in-hand with my “Gardening” that i’m sure will be on the seed list.

On a side note: I’m not sure where to leave this suggestion, but I think it would really be helpful for community members to help each other using YouTube. For example – I have been teaching myself welding and metal fabrication over the last 3 months. i noticed some people had those things on their lists. Although there are thousands of ‘how to” videos on YouTube for welding – none of them really helped me actually get started. I would have loved to be able to post my questions, and have a ‘like-minded’ community member be able to either point to, or upload a YouTube video that would answer them. Just an idea, since I believe most of us here are interested in helping one another out.

Great idea on the 13 and 13! I am loving this. It’s always better for me personally to have a place that I can be accountable, and this seems like the place that will make that happen for me!

12 years ago

fly tying
bait casting
electrician apprentice
Concealed Carry Training
basic first aid and CPR
off-roading skills

Ryan Moeggenberg
Ryan Moeggenberg
12 years ago

Chickentry 😉
Construction – specifically rabbit and chicken pens
Baking- sourdough
Medicinal herbs & essential oils
Debt reduction, budgeting ,investing
Be more politically active locally
How to build community

12 years ago

This is my list.
How to build a root cellar in your basemnet(as a woman I am trying to do this right now).
How to deal with a spouse or partner that doesn’t believe things are going to get worse.
How to identify edible weeds and berries.
How to make great homemade fertilizer for your garden (besides compost, and shredded leaves).It’s chicken manure which leads to the next on the list.
A way to conceal you have Chickens, when the bi-law says” not allowed in your town”.
Growing grains.
Harvesting grains.

12 years ago

A few more…

Starting plants from cuttings
First aid
Pet first aid
Making sprouts
Making lye from wood ash
Organization/time management
Web design
Primitive fire-starting
Landscaping for insects, birds, and bats

12 years ago

My list so far:
Construction (Drywall, Framing, Roofing)
Food Preservation
Car Maintenance
Seed Saving
Ham Radio

12 years ago

money management; investment for return or safe keeping.

jesse vanderbie
jesse vanderbie
12 years ago

i feel that trapping would be a good skill to share

12 years ago

Here is my list of 13 for next year:
Archery (for hunting deer primarily)
Canning (pressure canning)
Growing veggies in greenhouse (have the greenhouse)
Handgun training
Construct solar hot water heaters (for greenhouse and possibly residence)
Fermenting (sauerkraut and other veggies)
Construct solar food dryer
Bee keeping
Cheese making
Cutting down trees efficiently for firewood
Raise rabbits for meat
Making bread from scratch (includes grinding grain for flour)
Develop online business

12 years ago

Some things from my master list:

Driving – tactical, motorcycle, trailering
Fishing – pole, net, deep sea, spear
Metalworking – welding, soldering, casting
Practical Chemistry – demolition, metallurgy, medical
Airplane Pilot
Navigation – orienteering, sea nav, astro nav
Hydro power – waterwheels, microhydro
Dental – diagnosis, cleaning
Tool Making
Finish Carpentry
Water Systems – grey water, purification, hot water
Sewing – clothes, gear, tailoring

12 years ago
Reply to  Peregrine

Oh and I forgot
Situational Awareness!

12 years ago


There are many things I could teach but I want to learn archery.
I’m not worried about doomsday prophesies but in Ohio most deer are taken with bows at under 20 yards. And I don’t know how to shoot a bow, or at least not well enough to hunt deer.

I’m a little baffled that the new site doesn’t seem to want teachers but I guess you’ll figure out how to make connections.

SUGGESTION: Many of us have things to teach that we are good at. Should be a category for that. Anyone want to learn how to double clutch an 18 wheel truck (or get marital advice.. HA!)?

12 years ago
Reply to  Cryptozoic

You know, that’s funny. I recently thought learning how to drive an 18 wheeler would be fun (alright, maybe part of it was also fantasys of “Oh no, the only way out is this truck but no one knows how to drive it!”). Unless that’s not what double clutch means. Then again, I can’t drive stick yet either, but that’ll be going on my list.

12 years ago
Reply to  Amy

Amy: I can teach you how to not only drive a stick shift but also how to (yes you are correct in guessing double clutching has to do with big truck transmissions) AND! how to back up a 75 long truck with a 53 foot trailer.

Give you a hint about backing trailers of any size: put your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and whichever way your hand turns the wheel, that’s the way the back of the trailer is going to go.

Been around the block (and 45 States!) a few times.
PM me if you wish to learn more.
Being an old fart I am mostly harmless 😉

12 years ago
Reply to  Amy

and that’s what I thought when I was a DAC with the army. Battalion Commander let me go the the firing range with troops and qualified with M16 and 45 because I argued that in combat, if a man fell and weapon was there, but I couldn’t pick it up and deal, I’d be mad at him. lol

12 years ago

Martial Arts
Primitive Skills
Mead Making

12 years ago

My list I started working on when I heard it mentioned.
How fantastic this is.
I agree it would be helpful to link folks that have the skills with folks wanting to learn. I regularly teach many of the skills listed here (above)

My list at present

Knots (learn the ones on the proknot cards)
Sorghum (all about, growing harvesting and pressing, then do it, which is the best way to learn for me)
Sickle, (get custom one fitted and a class for operation)
Wine makeing
Canning (pressure / Meat for me)
Trimble Sketchup use
Lacto Fermantation, Billtong, Jerky (maybe food preservation?)
Paleo Diet (learn, read, understand more)
Constitution and Amendments
Metal detector proper operation (darn thing frustrates me more than helps)
Bee keeping

12 years ago

1. Tactical Home Defense
2. Reloading
3. Shelter building from leantos to two story houses
4. General carpentry
5. Plumbing
6. Gunsmithing
7. Homestead veternary medicine (there might not always be a vet around)
8. Dam building (small and medium scale)
9. Stick fighting from kuboton to staff
10. Small scale do it yourself metal recycling and re fabrication
11. Glazing (glass making and working including blowing)
12. Barrell making
13. Basket and bag making

12 years ago

Reading the above comments, I could also teach woodworking, including traditional cabinetry, including hand cut dovetail joints. Used to be pretty good at it.

Tom D.
Tom D.
12 years ago

Skimmed the responses and I didn’t see this one, Hope I didn’t miss something:

Critical Thinking — Training the mind to a proven process of determination.

This I believe is a Fundamental.


Tom D.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tom D.

Tom – if you’re interesting in Critical Thinking, I have a book or two I can send you and/or online resources to help you develop this skill

12 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Rick – I’ve been collecting resources for that and would love to know what you’ve found to be good. My favorite book on the topic so far is Logical Self Defense, but I haven’t found much online that I thought was spectacular.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tom D.

I was thinking along the same lines–tactical decision-making, or critical thinking under duress. You have to have a way to focus your mind, to sift out the noise, and to cut to what matters and let go what doesn’t. Perhaps something written for USMC officers in training to lead infantry? Just because the thought process is developed for use in combat doesn’t mean those same tools won’t be as useful in other non-combat emergencies. Otherwise we wouldn’t have CEO’s studying Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”.

12 years ago

1) lacto-fermentation
2) dehydrating
3) welding
4) seed saving

12 years ago

Most of mine have been mentioned so I won’t re-hash, but I don’t think anyone mentioned learning an additional language. Spanish & Mandarin are my top 2. Good for prepping, good for future business, and good brain exercise!!

12 years ago

Hello – wondering if this 13-in-13 idea may morph into those with skills helping others to develop skills, and vice versa? Great for community building. Maybe we can list skills we have and then can be paired with others who are close physically, or via the web, who we can help?

In Box 485
12 years ago

Develop giveaway food buckets.
Shoot full distance AQT
Learn to reload ammo

Matt Smaus
12 years ago

– Site fertility management (compost, manures, ‘green’ manures)
– Tractor use
– Seed saving
– Plant breeding
– Public speaking
– Internet communication/effective social networking
– Community building/cooperation
– Personal financial planning

Just a few thoughts, thx.

Jack from Georgia USA
Jack from Georgia USA
12 years ago

Aquaponics to the next level
Making cheese
Cooking from the garden
Raising goats
Get my rifleman badge from Appleseed
Dehydrate my food storage

12 years ago

My skills include more than 50% of those listed so I could help others, and most of those on my own list are already named, so I won’t rehash either. I’m really interested in the most primitive way to survive at this point and am adding to my foraging skills by learning more about trees and their best uses: carving eating tools, eating their fruits ( acorns and other nuts), etc.. Also am working on primitive tools, and weapons. Started making cordage, and am identifying suitable materials around me. I’m also trying to learn to work in the dark without light. I guess I’d call it acclimating to the environment. (?) I just learned to brain tan a hide, but still have to smoke (or cure) it. I want to develop some materials on prepping with and for children. I hope the website will have a section for finding and connecting with others nearby for teaching/learning/sharing with some identity security.

12 years ago
Reply to  Aayla
12 years ago

I’m gonna add this one definitely for me. Physical fitness. Not such losing weight, but gaining stamina. Being able to run more than a mile, bike five miles, bench and squat more, hump a pack instead of just jogging, sit-ups, etc…

Carrie H
Carrie H
12 years ago

Such a GREAT idea!!! Can’t wait to watch this all progress. I believe the vast majority of my list has been covered but I did not see here (and did see in the forum)….driving a team of horses for plowing fields, hauling lumber/sleighs/wagons, etc.

12 years ago

SKILLS FOR CHILDREN….3 sisters garden,,, plant identification,,, using & caring for a knife, ax, saw,,,, fire building,,, shelter building,,, Prepping food for canning,,,, hunting,,,, gathering,,, purifying water,,, sun oven cooking,,,
Bless U & Urs Thanks Larry

Lane Douglas
Lane Douglas
12 years ago

basic home plumbing
basic home electrical repairs
basic home appliance repairs
ammunition reloading
bullet casting
firearm restoration

12 years ago

Identifying local wild edibles
knitting/ spinning wool into yarn
Play guitar

12 years ago

Some of the skills I would like on there
Soap making
Leather tanning
Campfire/ Dutch oven cooking
Darning socks and repairing clothing
Vehicle maintenace
Bee Keeping
Plumbing Repair
furniture repair

Brent Ingvardsen
Brent Ingvardsen
12 years ago

Sharpening a handsaw
Sharpening a chainsaw
Butcher and clean rabbits, chickens,etc
Harvest and save garden seeds
Raise vegetables from seed
Keep bees
Learn basic auto maintenance
Learn basic plumbing

Gary Minter
Gary Minter
12 years ago

Think these may be helpful to add to my skill set.

Tanning hides “Deer hides to Buckskin”
Blacksmithing and metalworking (tool repair)

Just a few to think about. Guess I’m just saying getting back in touch with our roots and heritage.

Ryan in MT
Ryan in MT
12 years ago

I’ve seen lots of knife sharpening, but how about knifemaking, even if its a kit.
Electrical Work (lots of books out there on wiring an outlet to wiring a whole house)
Map Utilization/GIS (Google earth, ArcGIS, and many apps in between)

12 years ago

Auto repair / mechanic
video editing

12 years ago

Unarmed self defense
Knife/edged weapon sharpening
Communication(speaking to others about prepping)
Alternative Heating (rocket mass heaters)
Business development(turn prepping tasks into business)
Homeschooling/Supplemental schooling
Efficient land management(Permaculture, grazing rotation, water collection and flow)
Alternative food storage(Canning, salting, smoking)

Scott flores
Scott flores
12 years ago

Metal work
Botonony – (identify plants)
Scott aka ericnb

Going Galt
Going Galt
12 years ago

My 13 are:
1. Chicken raising (for eggs)
2. Build a chicken coop
3. Alternative fire starting
4. Fishing
5. Gardening (more of it)
6. Canning
7. Alternative cooking (over volcano stove, Emberlit stove, etc.)
8. Marksmanship (improve rifle shooting accuracy)
9. Learn to install a sand point well
10. Build and learn to use a solar oven
11. Wild plant identification and foraging (to eat)
12. Learn more cooking
13. Learn/memorize most of the roads and trails throughout the area I live in. (I realize that’s an oddball one, but I find it useful to be able to navigate quickly without the aid of GPS or maps, and to be able to make last-second corrections to deal with changed plans, blockages, etc.)

12 years ago

Permaculture (large topic I know, how about “sustainable gardening” where the focus is on perennial vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs with high protein, carbs, vitamins, and calories.

12 years ago

I will definitely utilize a skill tracking system.
My list would look something like this:
Bee keeping
Growing mushrooms indoors/outdoors
Butchering/tanning small livestock
Making moccasins
Dehydrating food via solar
Building a rocket stove and mass heater
Terracing a hillside for perennials
Fire arms training
Seed saving/cutting propogation
Rain water collection system

12 years ago

Axe skills (how to sharpen, use and hang an axe)

12 years ago

Primitive Weapons (Sling, atlatl, spear), Grill, Season Cast Iron correctly, Blog. I think most everything else is covered by someone else.

12 years ago

Here’s one not on the skills list yet. How about “Homeschooling” or “Unschooling”?

12 years ago

Livestock care for the homesteader
Home meat butchering/processing
Lumber harvesting & safety (chainsaw, log-splitters, hand axe, etc…)
Wild edible foraging & useage (food & medicinal)
Small engine maint. for the homesteader
Assessing security weaknesses and implementation of passive homestead security measures (physical, electronic, etc…).
Map reading/orienteering (compass & GPS)
Small scale communications & scanner use (non HAM trasmissions)
Understanding firearm optics and what works best for which ranges/applications.
Learn how to minimize one’s digital footprint and maximize personal privacy.

Family Guy
Family Guy
12 years ago

Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Tactical Handgun
Master Logger Course
Livestock Fence Erection
Basic Building Skills
Raising Chickens for eggs and meat
Raising sheep
Processing wool

Great Scot!
Great Scot!
12 years ago

I would like to build a wood fired – outdoor clay / cob / earth oven, and of course learn how to use it!

BabyHarley 82nd
BabyHarley 82nd
12 years ago

I would like to see current level of proficiency and current skills that you have but will not be counted towards the 13.

12 years ago

One skill I haven’t seen that I would like to develop is bow making. I got the traditional bowyer bible books last year but I haven’t really put them to use yet. I need to focus on getting in better shape too. Thats the first 2 of my 13.

12 years ago

Here’s a fun site to help increase logic, memory, focus, and the like.


It’s various games that help to increase those skills. I try to do it everyday.

kathy vidal
kathy vidal
12 years ago

i would like to teach myself/learn:
basic carpentry
small backyard animal “processing”
beer/wine making

12 years ago

* Permaculture design
* Comfortably and discreetly carrying a concealed weapon
* Keeping a family cow
* Square foot gardening
* Coppicing/pollarding trees

12 years ago

1. The art and science of influencing others.
2. Use of geospatial data, map reading, hydrology.
3. Assessing risk and risk mitigation.
4. Advanced defensive driving skills.
5. Marksmanship.
6. Media, strategic communication, information ops.
7. Homesteading.
8. Modern and primitive survival skills.
9. Power generation. KSA (knowledge skills ability) of electricity.
10. Mechanics, repair, and metallurgy.
11. KSA of weather.
12. Building community the art and science of social networks.
13. Long term food/water generation, storage, and use.

Tina Barnes
Tina Barnes
12 years ago

Not sure if these will be okay but these are a few of the things I want to learn to do for myself.
How to repair a working horse harness, bridles and the like.
How to safely sharpen a Scythe.
How to safely sharpen an axe.
How to make an ointment for hand milking cows/goats.
How to build a portable milking plant.
How to make a working butter churn.
How to make a cream separator.
How to repair a shearing plant.
How to care for horse tack.
How to treat mastitis in cows and goats ourselves.
How to dehorn lambs, kids and calves.

12 years ago

Food Preservation (Canning & Dehydration)
Home Brewing
Baking (Pie Crust and Bread)
Knot Tying ( Add 13 new Knots to base)
Navigation /Orienteering (Map&Compass)
First Aid (Field Trauma)
First Responder skills (CERT Training – County/State?)
Marksmenship / Weapons Training (Advanced Pistol and Carbine)
Communications (Ham, Verbal, Nonverbal)
Meat Processing (Field Dressing, Biltong – Skinning)
Composting or Plant Identification (County Extension Class?)
Basic Weather Predictions/Forecasting

12 years ago

Holy Cow! ALL of these are great!!!!!! You all have included what I would have said. I was going to add, for us women or guys could do it as well: crocheting, knitting, weaving and spinning wool or fiber for use in these arts. I know how to knit and crochet ~ need to learn to spin with hand spinner and spinning wheel and then learn to weave on looms.

12 years ago

Where does one sign up for the 13 in 13?