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11 years ago

What’s the chance you guys could duplicate the series of drawings we did with you “new” comprehensive design?

Bubble, wind, solar, layout etc? this would be really cool to see how you integrated elements from the six designs and what you did on you on.



11 years ago

Can we get some pictures of the land and plans?

11 years ago

Tactical/tacticool greenhouse; that’s funny!
Sorry, I’m 100 episodes behind, had some trouble with my mp3 player.
I-Tunes really sucks, maybe I should hire a 10 year old to help me make it work 😉 Is there any way to import episodes (I am MSB) to an Apple player without dealing with I-Tunes?

Thanks Jack for all you do.
If it wasn’t for you and Dave Canterbury (who would make a great guest) I think I’d go nuts in this crazy world.

11 years ago
Reply to  Cryptozoic

If you hate iTunes….. why have an Apple player??

I won a nice iPod in a contest, I sold it and bought a Sony player.

I pretty much hate all things Apple, there are many other fine MP3 players out there besides Apple products.

11 years ago
Reply to  Cryptozoic

I use icatcher..best podcast app I have used. It’s not free but not expensive. Well worth the purchase.

11 years ago
Reply to  Cryptozoic

Are you accessing podcasts through your device or through the computer?
My iPhone only lets me download the last 30 or so episodes so if I want to download older ones, like 775, I go to iTunes on my computer, download it, and sync to phone.

11 years ago
Reply to  KevinWV

I access through the computer with the I-pod plugged into the USB port.

11 years ago

Looking forward to the next MSB video update to see that new tank platform; sounds like a winner!

11 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Jim, I was thinking the exact same thing regarding the log cabin style platform.

Also, I thought some type of visual of the greenhouse would be helpful, too…perhaps Jack could take us through a whiteboard drawing of what he envisions. It sounds pretty cool, but was a bit hard to follow just based on audio.

11 years ago

Just an FYI your audio level is down…….

11 years ago

Mind = Blown.

Josh W
Josh W
11 years ago

Hi Jack,
Great episode as per usual. I have a couple of questions, 1st how did you determine the amount of nitrogen fixing trees to the number of fruit bearing trees? Is there a general ratio that if followed? And 2nd what is the difference between a contour bed and a swale?

Josh W

Jerry Ward
11 years ago


Can you provide some more info on the laser level you use? I’m at the point where I need to understand the changes in elevation over about 4 acres and need something more than an A-frame level.


11 years ago
Reply to  Jerry Ward

For cheap you could find a used optical builders’ level.
Since lasers came in, the old optical ones (if you can find one) are inexpensive yet just as effective. They are not a transit, no math required, all you get is a level line, from which you measure up or down. I built a “dead man” stand with a long yardstick I could raise up/down held with a clamp.

Jerry Ward
11 years ago
Reply to  Cryptozoic

Yeah I have used one of those before however I will be doing much of this by myself so I need something where I do not have to be two places at once.

Also I don’t have a clue where to go about finding a used optical level.

Jerry Ward
11 years ago
Reply to  Jerry Ward


For some reason I cannot reply to your post. $635 is painful, I will have to try and get by without it.

11 years ago


I really appreciate this type of podcast right now. There is a raft of things wrong in the socioeconomic political system right now, but the alternative of here are some solution to implement today is very refreshing


11 years ago

Ok, I’m a bit envious. 30″ of rain a year sounds like a garden of Eden! I’ve got 2.5 desert acres with annual rainfall of 4.5″. Of course, year-to-date so far is only 0.74″!! I think I need to make a roof rain catchment system a priority, so that when we do get rain I can start storing the roof run-off. It was fascinating listening to you describing your plans.

11 years ago
Reply to  Karen


Search YouTube for simple, low tech PVC pipe devices which channel off the first rain water (to dump bird doo off the roof) and then allow water into your barrels. Lots of info available about that and for $50 you can catch a lot of clean water even in the desert.

The first dirty runoff can be channeled into your garden, assuming it is downslope from the roofs. Also investigate “grey water” which comes from your shower and sink drains but not the toilet. With the right plumbing, a lot of usable water can be piped to your garden. Just have to be careful what kinds of soaps you use.

11 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Gray water is the route to go in your situation. And don’t get too caught up on what types of soap to use. The simple rule is … if your plants start dying, change soaps.

Al Wingate
11 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Karen, I find myself in a similar situation. I have 5 acres of high desert land in Southern CA. The max annual rainfall over 20 years was ten inches. I do have a well which provides water. I would like to listen to a podcast discussing these issues for us who live in a dryer climate. Anyway, there is one perm-culture guy in the area and he is using palm tree “shavings” which seem to hold water longer. I reached into his worked soil and the dirt was rich and black and moist. He says he has techniques for the soil to hold the water longer.

11 years ago

Sometimes life is like that…you get all excited for Geoff was come and design your new place only to realize, what he probably already knew….You could do it on your own and what a confidence builder that has to be even if you didn’t realize it at the time.

Thanks for all you do Jack!

11 years ago


On your orchard area (the one where your contour beds are now and where you plan to grow dwarf and semi-dwarf), how far apart are you planting them? I am planning to do the same in my 1/4 acre lot but on a smaller scale but can’t decide between planting the fruit trees 6 feet apart or spreading them out to the recommended 10′ or more.

11 years ago

Hey Jack,

Love these type of shows. I heard you mention on a previous podcast that you wanted to do massive Sepp Hozer style Hugel beds on the road frontage of your property, but didn’t hear it mentioned in your plans. I also recall that Nick was trying to talk you out of it. Still in the site plan.
I was thinking of doing this myself and if you have changed you mind would love to know why? Also, lets say you build a 6ft. high mound, how large would you make the wood core? I was thinking 4 ft. high?

Dave (TwoCor)
Dave (TwoCor)
11 years ago

Jack, as I was listening to your shower plans the first thought I had was put a water reservoir of the type Steve Harris talks about for heating water passively on top of the whole thing. Little extra plumbing and you’ve got a hot shower. Careful not to scald though!

The New Mike
11 years ago

Finally getting back into TSP mode, and listening to this weeks episodes.
Jack you just said “You’ll realize how smart people are”. This is why less and less I say things like “people are so stupid”, “everyone is a bunch of dumbasses”. Or anything of the sort. “The people are clueless sheepole”. Not everyone may know about or pay attention to certain things like finance and the sort, but I find myself calling individuals stupid, and saying “most people are actually pretty darn smart, and generally pretty ingenuity”.

If anything I think many people (possibly including myself) have probably not be raised in an environment where we’ve been allowed to reach our full potential. But you know, I feel much better going through life looking at helping smart individuals, and just ignoring the “dumbasses” we come across.

11 years ago

Hey, just a quick idea on the above grade pond. One thing you might consider is building thermal mass heaters into the berms to better control the temp of the water in winter. I’ve seen this done small scale and it works well, large scale I have no idea. 🙂

11 years ago

How do you plan on getting road runoff onto the property, I mean I know how, but most of the roads around here are maintained by the county. I know my ditches are mowed every year, I don’t think they would like it if I built a dam to divert water. but I guess they have to work around peoples driveways, so maybe they can just work around them too.