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10 years ago

Koreans are also master strategists. Their history is one of the richest in the world. Because they were a hermit nation for so long, technical advances weren’t known widely, i.e. first movable print, first astronomical observatory, first iron clad ship. To see how they live on one acre of land, was amazing. They used an ox to plow the rice paddy, the yard as a threshing floor, the fences for dehydrating, the straw from the rice as roof and rope-making to weave into shoes or rice bags, clay for building, etc. I admire their ability to survive so many wars, because they had learned the best way to do almost everything. Many of my survival skills were gained by living in Korea for almost seventeen years. If you want to witness how they fought, planned, improvised, made medicine,etc. anything from their culture, including their ability to produce some of the worlds best films, I’d like to recommend watching any of the historical series on Dramafever.com. I know you won’t be disappointed, as the dramas are interesting, well done and informative. imo…the world’s best acting, directing, writing, and producing….and strategy.

Alex Shrugged
Alex Shrugged
10 years ago
Reply to  Aayla

Aayala, if you go to http://TSPwiki.com and search for the year 1403, you will see a history segment entitled “Korean Type Casting”. The Koreans preceded Gutenberg in creating a movable type system, but they won’t be able to take full advantage of it like Gutenberg will. The issue is the written language itself. In 1403 the Koreans are using Chinese characters which are character-based and were quite complex at that time. It won’t be until 1443 that the Koreans will introduce Hangul symbols (what most people think of as Korean writing). It’s a good system (reminds me of the Apple system for scanning symbols) but it won’t gain wide acceptance for centuries yet. In the meantime, Gutenberg will have a ready-made alphabet for printing and it’s off to the races!

Alex Shrugged

Alex Shrugged
Alex Shrugged
10 years ago
Reply to  Aayla

When I said “Apple system for scanning” I meant QR Codes for smartphones…


It’s a system that encodes information in blocks… which is what Hangul symbols do… sort of.


Alex Shrugged
Alex Shrugged
10 years ago
Reply to  Aayla

Here I go… correcting myself again. This is what happens when my wife calls me as I’m composing a posting. I hit the send button instead of reviewing what I wrote…

Chinese is symbol-based system of writing. You may not believe it but a Chinese word symbol looks like a picture of the word or idea it symbolizes. The word for “man” looks sort of like a man. The word for “woman” looks sort of like a woman. A house looks like a box with a roof on top, and the word for “trouble” is two women under the same roof! 🙂

My Mandarin Chinese teacher gave me that joke! She was mostly a serious woman but she loved that one.

I once had a Chinese-speaking woman call me on a hotline I volunteer for. She was delighted when I repeated the few words of Chinese that I remembered.

That was all from years and years ago when my best friend strong-armed me into taking a class with him in Chinese in high school so that he would have someone to study with. I wasn’t too grateful then but I’m grateful now.

Learning some Chinese helped me pick up kanji when I was working for a couple of weeks in Japan… mostly because the symbols didn’t look so strange to me. Japanese is a combination of two alphabets (hiragana and katakana) and a system of kanji symbols which are essentially Chinese. There is also romanji but that doesn’t count. Does it? 🙂

10 years ago

Jack, you said that you were going to write down the recipe and post it… that sounded delicious, I’m hungry!

Thanks for all you do

10 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Colin, here’s what I heard:
Per pound of ground pork:

½ t of Italian seasoning ( Jack uses Keith Snow’s Northern Italian Seasoning )
1 t fennel
1/3 t crushed red pepper flakes
½ t of salt ( Jack prefers kosher or pink himalayan salt )
1 t garlic powder
1 t onion powder
½ t of black pepper
4 large fresh sage leaves, finely chopped. You can use dried sage but it will make Jack sad.
Allow to sit in the refrigerator overnight – Jack says it will taste better.

Up the fennel a little bit if you’re putting it in casings for Italian sausage.

10 years ago
Reply to  Roscoe

Thanks Roscoe!

10 years ago

Hey Jack I completely agree with your statement about fresh sage but have you tried frying fresh sage leaves? shallow frying the leaves whole gives amazing results and is the perfect final touch to risottos and pastas.

10 years ago

Great shows Jack!!

You’ve motivated me to resume my herbal studies. I’ve been slacking off that past couple months; but you made me realize, it’s a contuing education and I better get back to my studies!

10 years ago

Any tips on how to grow lemon balm? One of my friends grows microgreens, and that is where I first learned of lemon balm. I absolutely love lemon on everything, and the intense lemon taste was amazing.

I ordered some seeds from Amazon, and they shipped from China. I tried putting them in a pot with seed starting mix and 1/16″ of dirt covering, keeping them moderately moist and had 0% germination. I put them in wet paper towel on top of the fridge to see if they had to be warmer, 0% germination. I tried them outside in wet soil, in dry soil, in soil I watered every few days – 0% germination.

Do you think I just got bad seeds, or seeds that were X-rayed to death in customs? Or is there a better/different way to propagate lemon balm?

10 years ago
Reply to  EricM

If you know someone who has some lemon balm, you can take a cutting and root it. I tried it myself recently and it was really easy.

10 years ago

Thanks Jack, I appreciate the reply! I also loved these shows. These gardening/permaculture shows are my favorite for sure!

PS – Thought you might find this interesting… One of my in-laws is a decision maker at a church in an area where poverty is a big issue, and I mentioned the idea of converting their giant grass field to a permaculture food forest, and offering classes to teach the patrons how to grow food at their homes, and she loved the idea! I don’t have the expertise to do it yet, but I thought I would plant the seed of the idea. This isn’t something I would have ever thought of without your show, so thank you!

10 years ago

I think very highly of you, but your comments about diabetics were off base. There is a high correlation but not causation between being overweight and being diabetic. So just stopping with the face stuffing won’t cure their diabetes. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’d lose weight if they stop stuffing their face and went for a walk, and would greatly improve many of their health concerns but it won’t cure their diabetes.

10 years ago

Then I stand corrected. Thanks for the reference.

jeff nw ohio
jeff nw ohio
10 years ago

It is possible that many type 1 diabetics could be from cows milk with the A1 protien. There is data out there to support it but not scientific studies to back it. Would be no increase in cost to change herd genectics, just time. Good book out there Devil in the milk another article about it

10 years ago

Actually, referring to your comments about diabetics and rant about people who are fat, you perhaps should watch Dr. Peter Attia’s Ted Talk. He had the same contempt for fat people you have..and has now got a different view.
http://www.ted.com/talks/peter_attia_what_if_we_re_wrong_about_diabetes There is also research that links GMO foods to changes in the gut bacteria and other unrelated research that points to changes in gut bacteria as being a precursor to diabetes. Put it all together and it starts to make sense.

10 years ago
Reply to  Pam

So this guy followed the food pyramid, gained a lot of weight, became insulin resistant, then changed his diet, lost weight, and his insulin resistance improved. I’m not sure how the actual story he relays, not the metanarrative he is crafting, indicates he this was somehow out of his control. So weight gain may be related to insulin resistance, rather than caused by it, but changing his diet, something he can and did control, either way seemed to fix the problem. It has been clear for a long time that if you reduce calories, as Jack gave example above, that you will lose weight and improved insulin resistance, and the evidence is very strong that cutting you calories in any macronutrient ratio will cause you to lose weight(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8561057, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1734671, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19246357). There is a reason for this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_mass. People will tell you that “I don’t eat that much” and “I just look at food and gain weight”. Don’t believe it. People under report their actual calorie consumption (http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1785453) and this deception first to self and then to others is a symptoms of the human condition (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZR2k5c_198). There is a general human tendency to blame others and external conditions for our problems, and only take credit for any successes.

Julie Amos
Julie Amos
10 years ago

I love the pod cast and listen to you all the time. I was listening to a show tonight where you really hammered United States Postal Employees for stealing from the mail. Yes , you are correct it does happen to some degree as it does in every business. Here is the problem I have with what you said, the problem is that the people put the coins in envelopes and those envelopes get processed by mail processing equipment. The equipment pushes the coins , keys , ect out of the envelopes. Please be an informed person by going to a mail processing center and ask for a tour where the mail is processed by DBCS or CSBCS equipment. I know this to be true because I maintained the programs that operated these machines for many years. When I would open the backs of the machines which are as long as a semi truck, I would find many different things up and down the machine including letters that would fly off the belts. The items are then sent to a place that is or was when I work for the USPS called loose in the mail. Please check with USPS and see if maybe some of the items are in loose in the mail. Not all postal employees steal. Thanks for what you do. Julie

10 years ago

Could someone remind me which herb it was that mixed with honey and given to kids helps them sleep?
