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Josiah Wallingford
11 years ago

Nice. I hope BOF gets there someday!

11 years ago

Sweeet. Just started following you a few days back.

11 years ago

kudos! take that image and put it on your FB page…

Gator Bee Gal
Gator Bee Gal
11 years ago

Awesome Jack! Congratulations! Josiah – you’ll be there before you know it 😉

The New Mike
11 years ago

I know a national radio guy on Sirius that had some issues getting to 10k and he’s been on (XM) since literally the day they launched.

11 years ago

Awesome Jack! Reminded me of this quote from Gary Vaynerchuk… it’s not directed at you, I know you appreciate your audience, just made me think of it.

The thought that low numbers of human beings can somehow be irrelevant is ludicrous. The absolute number just doesn’t matter. You could have 100 followers, or 1,000,000 followers, all it takes is for one tweet to be noticed by one person, and the word-of-mouth plumbing that social networks are can take care of the rest. — Gary V

11 years ago

I’ve been looking for an area to move to here in Texas where the agri. is sustainable and like-minded folks around. Any suggestions. I listen to your podcast when I can and really enjoy your show. Thank you for what you do and any advice you could give me.