Episode-2494- 10 Low Carb Meals and How to Make Them
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Today I want to talk to you about low carb living and low carb dieting, and how the two are different things. The recipes today are really mostly for a low carb diet. I personally define diet here in the sense of a transitive verb, ie, what you do when you want to lose weight or improve your health. When we move to low carb living, we then use diet as a noun, meaning simply the food you eat every day.
The problem we have in America is diet is generally only used to describe what we do to lose weight. During this time we restrict what we eat. This is done many ways but chiefly among the mainstream it is the restriction of calories. Other diets restrict say certain macro nutrients, such as carbohydrates or fat. Some entire classifications of foods, such as a vegan diet, vegetarian diet or say a paleo diet. Note Paleo ends up being low carb most of the time, but low carb isn’t the specific goal.
Regardless of what the TV tells you when it comes to weight loss, the results are in and nothing works like any diet that significantly restricts carbohydrates. The argument always comes down to this against such diets. “Sure you lose weight on them but when you stop doing them you gain the weight back”. Really well, what effing diet is there that doesn’t work the same way?
This is where it falls apart, once people lose weight and or improve their health they go back to diet as a noun, “the food you eat every day” and do so with no real restriction. Again this is where it all falls apart as even if you begin by just loosening up a bit of restriction, then you stop tracking things, then you are eating the very food that caused your issues in the first place. This often happens to people who are sure they are not “breaking the rules” yet they are doing so in spades. Today along with “Phase One” level intervention meals, I will talk about Phase Two meals that continue with weight loss and then how to transition into a life long quality diet with a very moderate carbohydrate volume.
Join Me Today to Discuss…
- What is low carb according to “The Protein Power Plan”
- Phase One – 7-10 Grams of Carbs per meal, plus an optional snack – (21-40 grams a day)
- Phase Two – 50 Grams of Carbs a day, divided evenly
- Phase Three – 75-130 Grams a day, no more than 30-35 per meal, better to keep it around 25
- The things you need to actually keep this working
- A scale like this one – Salter Electric Scale
- A cheat sheet of all things you tend to cook with
- Discipline to measure and count EVERYTHING
- The main reason people fail, they don’t count everything or count inaccurately
- Another reason people fail, cheat days and how to do them right
- Net carbs the truth and the net carb scam
- Watch out for zero calorie sweeteners and yes beware of alcohol
- Per meal is as important as per day limits
- 10 Meals that Fit Phase One and You Won’t Mind Eating – First Five are In this PDF
- Cabbage wrapped Sardines with Hemp Seed and Avocado
- Blackened Fish With Roasted Fennel and Vegetables
- Jacks Breakfast Sausage and Eggs
- Moroccan Lamb with Vegetables
- Pork with Shallots, Apple and Jicama
- Salmon Nocoise – 3.2 Carbs – Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook – p19 – (recipe)
- Harissa Chicken – 8.1- Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook – Carbs p107 – (video)
- Smoky Chorizo Salmon – 3.6 Carbs- Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook – p125 – (video) (recipe)
- Seared Sesame Tuna – 4.2 Carbs – Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook – p135 – (video) (recipe)
- Beef Pepper Stew – 6.2 Carbs – Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook – p195 – (recipe)
- Yea this is a big time survival topic
- #1 Cause of death in the US is “heart disease”
- #5 Cause of death in the US is stroke
- #7 Cause of death in the US is is diabetes
- #9 Cause of death in the US is is kidney disease
- Final Thoughts
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- TSP Facebook Group
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- The Protein Power Life Plan
- Recipe List for my Five Recipes
- Ras El Hanout Seasoning
- Matiz Gallego Sardines
- Flackers Crackers
- Redfish Magic Seasoning
- Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook
- FatSecret.com Website Food List – Just plug in the food you want nutrition info on, select the one ounce option. Take the total carbs minus the fiber and that is your net carbs per ounce for that food.
- Children of the Night Foundation
- Children of the Night on SongFacts.com
- Children of the Night – Richard Marx
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This is so cool Jack, I just got my snack of Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Tomato’s and Cucumbers in small bits so I could get each one on the fork at the same time. Clicked on the link in my email then here you are talking about low carb meals. I’m at my ideal weight but I do follow the low carb diet, actually it’s the way I eat. I started a very long time ago by cutting out half the serving of pasta or bread and replacing it with either veggi or protein, which ever I wanted that day. At the time my goal was just to restrict carb’s, this was in 1979 and I was getting a little chubby and didn’t like it. It eventually evolved into a low carb, high protein and sensible fat diet. Oh and I can tolerate Sardines now, thanks for recommending the French Guy. I can’t find the episode though, but it was recent.
Thank you for the spreadsheet, that will be a really good help, it also gives me incentive to play with Excel more.
I lost weight and feeling better since eating carnivore. Great to see low carb in general being encouraged. I love to soak up nutrition information! It’s changed the way I see prepping and permaculture, too.
For lots of great, in depth info check out YouTube for: [L. Amber O’Hearn](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaGCraBhCqXkRPGxVKLcs0A)
[Low Carb Down Under](https://www.youtube.com/user/lowcarbdownunder)
Hi Jack,
I have the same problem that you mentioned at the begging of the episode.. I try it for a while, it works.. then I stop, gain weight, then try it again.. and so on…
Thank you for sharing this, I shall start once again.
One technical detail, I think you missed a link in the text above.
“10 Meals that Fit Phase One and You Won’t Mind Eating – First Five are In this PDF” <– there is no link to the PDF
Dang it the link is in the resources but missed it in the episode bullets. Fixed now.
I’ve been on low carb for over two years. I stalled out so I switched to Whole 30 for a little while and that kick started the weight loss back into action. But eventually, that eating plan causes weight gain for us carb watchers. A doctor friend told me about intermittent fasting and that is simply awesome. I’m doing the 18:6 version. It took me about two weeks to get in sync with it but now I love it. I’ll be getting back on both the low carb combined with fasting very soon. Things got side tracked quite a bit due to a shoulder replacement in April and I just got a new knee Aug 5th. Friends bring food…I eat it. So I’ve gained. But I’ll get it off again. Just have to get through another rough period.
I really think “stalling out” is from over eating carbs by not counting every single thing. The hidden carbs I am finding this time around is blowing me away.
I should phrase that,
I really think “stalling out” is mostly from over eating carbs
Phrases I despise include words like always and everyone. The only absolute is that absolutes are wrong, even this one.
A note you may want to make on the jimaca: peel it, don’t eat the skin of the root like you might a potato. The skin contains a toxic chemical in it called rotenone and will make you nauseous and possibly throw up. I found this out the hard way last night. Rotenone is also used in insect and fish poison. Have a google on it.
True but I doubt anyone would eat it. It isn’t just toxic it tastes extremely bitter.
hi all
another great resource I have used is called Carb Manager
there is a free app and web site carbmanager.com
there are a ton of already stored foods and recipes and you can add your own.