Episode-1750- 10 Gun and Ammo Combos and What they are Great At
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The Belgian Browning Auto 5 – One of My Favorite All Time Guns
With a title like 10 Gun and Ammo Combos you may think of this as a top ten list type of thing. As in Jack’s top ten guns, it isn’t. I personally love guns and the science of ballistics. I love the art of the gun, the design that goes into everything from a tactical AR15, to a lever action design that is more than a century old at this time.
No these are guns that in general are simply great guns, have a real role if put to proper use and the caliber or gauge that I feel really makes a particular frame sort of sing, and again this is just my opinion.
My goal is for the show today to be fun and expand the listeners knowledge of various guns and calibers. To get off of the Glock/AR rut I think many are in today. Don’t get me wrong, both are great guns, but they are a tiny fraction of the beauty, quality and tradition that is firearms as a whole.
Join Me Today to Discuss…
- What makes a gun “great” to me
- What makes a cartridge “great” to me
- My ten guns we are going to discuss today
- Remington Model 7 – in 7mm-08
- Marlin 1894 – in 44 Magnum
- M1 Carbine – in 30 Carbine
- Ruger Single Six Convertible – 22LR/22mag
- Remington 7600/760 – 30-06
- Marlin Model 60 – 22LR
- Marlin 336C – 35 Remington
- Remington 870 Wingmaster – 20 Gauge
- Belgian Made Browning Auto5 – 12 Gauge
- NEF Handi Rifle – 357 Magnum
- Final Thoughts
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My Special 44 Special Load for Quiet Carbine Use
This is a 44 Special Load from an older Lee Manual. Do NOT reduce any further!
300 Grain Lead Bullet
Standard Large Pistol Primer
9.8-11.5 grains of H4227
I settled on an even 10 Grains of Powder. In a 20 Inch barreled 1894 Marlin 44 Magnum it is quieter then most Break Barrel Pellet guns and will penetrate 7 inches of solid pressure treated lumber at 25 yards and is accurate to about 50 yards before the low velocity takes over and drop becomes extreme.
Similar loads should be possible for rounds like,
357 Mag – Try light 38 Spc Loads
45 Colt – Try Cowboy Action Loads to start out
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Don’t forget Richard Lee’s philosophy , low pressure loading use a softer lead bullet to avoid lodging a bullet in the barrel.
For the reduced .44 loads, one of the one of the best, most versatile powders is Trail Boss. It is made for the Cowboy Action shooters and can be used in anything from a .32SW to a 338 Lapua. It turns a .300WSM with a 150 gr bullet into a plinker for kids. It is on the Hodgdon website.
Great list, 70% of these, or an equivalent (Rem 700 Mountain in 25-06 instead of the 7mm08, Henry Big Boy in .45LC instead of Marlin in .44) are in my safe.
Great show Jack.
I had an older Model 7 in 6mm. It had an 18 1/2 inch barrel. Nephew got off with it a few years ago. A another option is the Ruger American Rifle Compact. It has a 20″ barrel. I got it in 7mm-08 . 6 1/2 lbs. Accurate, cool rifle.
I have used a REM 870 20 ga exclusively now for ten years. It is light, fits me good. Light recoil. Kills just as good. In fact turkeys are scared of that gun.
Jack check this out: this may be your dream gun:
It is a REM 7600 in 35 REM dude!! Just thinking about you brotha!
Wow can’t justify the expense right now but man, what a great gun.
1. I have owned a Heritage 22 with a magnum cylinder for over 10 years. I have never had a problem with it. I’ve used it to teach my wife, my mother-in-law, and several other people to shoot. If you are planning on selling the pistol in the future, get the Ruger. But, if you aren’t worried about selling it, get the Heritage and spend the difference on ammo.
2. I own both the Marlin 60 and the Ruger 10/22. I admit to preferring the 10/22. I think it is because I can easily modify it for any shooting purpose I decide to use it for. But, both are great rifles.
Love the content…
As much as I love all your sponsors,and try to support them as much as I can, I have to say that Bulk ammo is doing a little price gouging. I don’t know what ammo costs in Texas, but in Montana I am buying the same .22 rounds for less than half of what they are selling them for. The .17 ammo is about 5-7 dollars more a box. Not trying to be a dick, but I can’t really support a company with that kind of a price increase. Sorry, but I thought you should be aware……..
Chiappa Arms makes an M1 Carbine in 9mm. it uses Beretta 92 magazines. Retails as of this writing at $499
Shawn Merritt AKA