
Episode-80- TSP Rewind – What Debt Freedom Means — 4 Comments

  1. I enjoy listening to folks’ stories about life after debt. I have a tiny bit of credit card debt I’m paying off this summer; medical debt from a surgery in March I’ll pay off this fall; and a car that’ll be paid off by 2020. Likewise, the student loans and soon-to-be had house by 2031. All in due time; I literally count down in a ‘Path to Freedom’ Google spreadsheet (which also includes my Early Retirement Extreme Plan by 2032- this millennial is not working until age 77 like most financial advisors are advising).

    Thanks for sharing again!

  2. Also, Spirko interviewed a fella I keep up with; Jacob Lund Fisker a while back and I suggest everybody check out that interview.

    Finally, if you’re into books, Jacob’s book Early Retirement Extreme, is a high level treatise on retiring super early (available on Amazon). This dude retired at 32ish, so he’s got knowledge and experience.

    Have a great day!