
Episode-1896- Dan Ohmann on Raising Sheep — 9 Comments

  1. Dan, excellent to hear your story. We’re in a very similar position here in Michigan. We got 3 katahdins this summer, raised them, and they’re in the freezer now. Got about 100 lbs total. I might have missed it, but what was the hanging weight for your sheep?

    I’ll definitely check out your youtube. Like I said, we’re in a similar situation, so I’ll be glad to hear the lessons you’ve learned.

    • Hi Stephen,
      Our hanging weight for all 4 was 214 lbs. Our biggest was 60 lbs (crossed with dorper). Our pure katahdin came in at 58 lbs. We had another katahdin/dorper cross at 58 lbs and we had a runt at 38 lbs. I am really surprised/happy by the hanging weights. Our cost per pound was high though because I was supplementing with organic alfalfa pellets. I didn’t have access to alfalfa hay. Pellets were way more expensive.
      Were you supplementing with alfalfa or another legume?

  2. I worked for a farmer helping with sheep in my childhood, my experience of sheep is that they are nothing but grief, very frustrating to work with but we cant blame the sheep for that, they are just being sheep.