
Meet Jack, Doctor Bones, SoutherPrepper1, Jackie Clay, Marjorie Wildcraft and Other TSP Members in Arlington, TX — 5 Comments

  1. Jack I will be there and am bringing a guest. I have heard this presentation before, but can wait to hear it in person. If I bring something will you sign it for me?

  2. I have already purchased my flight to DFW to see my Mom, but in October cuz I didn’t know about this event in time. I sure hope there will be another opportunity. Please share all that you can via technology O.K. ?

  3. I wish I could come but that is right were my summer freedom ends and I’m back to work. I think it would be great if you could record some of the interaction you are bound to have at this event and use them as a part of show 1000. I am working up the courage to call In my story. This lifestyle is additive and makes me want to share it with everyone I care about like Dave Ramsey’s message

    I burned some older shows to cd to relisten to in the car and then pass them on to anyone who might listen and not give me a hard time.

    Thanks for helping me to realize I have not been crazy for thinking the way I have thought for as long as I can remember and giving me an action plan.

  4. Jack – my wife and I are coming in from Dayton, Ohio for Restoring Love and the Expo. I am looking forward to hopefully meeting you and hearing your presentation Saturday morning.