
Episode-977- Listener Feedback for 9-10-12 — 39 Comments

  1. Ok, I haven’t finished the episode, but Jack is SHOT OUT OF A FRIGGIN’ CANNON TODAY! I’m not busting you–I think it’s great…it proves you’re human 🙂

  2. “Should we even call what we are doing with wood based gardens in the states hugelkultur?”
    How about:

  3. Another source of absent voters are those who move out of the area. I continue to get voter cards for my grown kids who are residents of other states. They no longer have driver licenses in our state, etc. Yet they continue to come year after year after year, until I called the county (more than once) telling them they no longer lived here, and they did whatever checking they do. I was surprised at how easy it would have been for someone to use those cards.

  4. “Should we even call what we are doing with wood based gardens in the states hugelkultur?”

    Holzkultur = wood culture
    Holzwasserkulter = wood water culture

  5. You know I was always under the impression that when you vote you vote for the person you want to win. I don’t want either person to win. So in my mind I have no one to vote “for”. I am just sick and tired of just vote for the person you dislike the least. I also get sick of defending my right not to vote. My kids are driving me nuts about this. Would like to have a statement that would ….. ok get them to shut the heck up and get them off my back. Finally I just had to pull the trump card and go mom on their butts. I hated doing that since they are in their 30’s but I just didn’t know what else to do or say.

    • Roundabouts — Politicians assume that people who stay home are apathetic and just don’t care how the country is run. That’s why I always vote, even if it means handing in a blank ballot. Your local paper may not report write-ins, blanks and third party votes… but trust me, people who pay close attention to politics do see this.

    • “woodsybed” is good, or maybe just “woodybed”. Easy to say and I don’t think it’s offensive to Sepp or Paul to adopt a term that’s easier for Americans to pronouce and intuitively understand.

  6. Sounds to me like JackTopia could be considered an attempt at Galts Gulch. My main concern would be that once the new “city” is up and running, and thriving, what’s to stop the next higher entity (county, state, etc) from levying taxes on the “unfair” prosperity that was created. We’ve seen this happen all too often throughout history. It would simply be another version of “Tax the rich”. Although the concept seems sound, we still have to deal with politicians and human nature.

    • @OhioPrepper even if the Hondos taxed the city at a full rate for their nation, well you would still be ahead of the US Tax rates, besides no we haven’t seen it before, nothing like this has been done in modern history. I am not saying it will work or there will be no problems but I do SADLY trust the Honduran government more then the US Federal Government when it comes to keeping their word. If you want to know why ask an Indian about the value of a treaty with “the great Chief in Washington”.

      • @Modern Survival,
        I concur with you that I might trusts the Hondurans more than the US government; however, your mention of the American Indians was one of the historical events I had in mind, with the others being the Mormons. The land given to the Indians by treaty, as well as the land claimed by the Mormons (at the time outside of the US western border) were meant to be essentially sovereign territories. They remained as such until there was a reason to ignore the treaty, such as the discovery of resources like silver, gold, or even farmable land for westward expansion. In the most recent example we saw contract law being shredded without so much as a pretense of legal process and judicial review, for the main bond holders of GM. This shows what governments are capable of, and although one would hope that you would nurture the goose and keep collecting the golden eggs, all too often we see the animal slaughtered when times get tough.

        • Where as the treaties signed by the Honduran Government with the Kuna Indians were always and always have been honored.

          Hell South Africa has always honored the borders of Lesotho and Swaziland. I don’t think we should let the shitty record of reneging on deals of the US government jade our view of other nations.

          Honestly when it comes to breaking agreements the US likely has the worst record on the planet. Even the mafia is more likely to honor an agreement.

    • The *idea* of setting up a Jacktopia in Honduras sounds good, but the reality isn’t good, for one simple reason:
      What the government gives, the government can take away.

      They set up these little autonomous city-states. The investors come in. The investors attract talent. They build factories. They develop technology. They turn their city-state into a thriving Galt’s Gulch, turning a profit.

      The government decides it wants that technology, those factories, the whole system that is profitable.
      So they renege on their deal and take it.

      What the government gives, the government can take away.

  7. I write-in a candidate if I don’t like either candidate put up by the republicrats. I have a feeling R__ P____ will be getting one more vote here in Nevada in a month.

    I’d feel better about myself voting for the person I believe in rather than settling for the lesser of two evils..

    The lesser of two evils is still evil

  8. How about we name the wood component “sponge wood” and then add the shape or configuration like burm or mound. Then sponge wood buckets are not lumped in with sponge wood swales or trenches.

  9. re: HiPoint Vs. Glock –

    EVERY gun owner in a shall issue state should get their Concealed Handgun Licence no matter if they plan on carrying concealed or not. First, is way better to have it when needed then not. Second, we should be packing the Concealed Handgun Licensing registers to flex our political muscle.

    I also second Jack’s advice – given A or B get the Glock, but a shotgun is a great choice for home defense. A 9mm carbine has so little practical application. If I am going to carry that much gun a centerfire round is going to be coming out of it. There is no point in carrying all that to launch what can effectively be launched from a Glock size package.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. As a resident of California (may issue) I can never get a CCW. I for the life of me don’t understand why people in states who can get CCW not get one. You truly don’t know the freedom you have.

  10. 1) all great ideas (2) yep, anyone makes free trade zone cities and xyz Government will “Nationalize” them as soon as all the work is completed (3) the ONLY ways to prevent seizure is overwhelming firepower OR have like-minded people as a majority “in the government.” Something we have let slip by in the U.S. (3) I wish we ‘all’ had nukes or Biologics – this would be a far safer World. R U suffering from cognitive dissonance ? Okay – imagine yourself as a terrorist trying to take over a plane, or a bus, or a Train and everyone else pulls out “their Glock” and aims it, at you. Get it.

    • I don’t agree the host nation will do what ever is best for them. If the citystate is making them a profit by existing in their borders they will protect it. Further if the city/state can really do a great job, and prove itself the powers that be would wish to expand not contract it. The brilliance of this idea is it is not just open to outsiders but native populous as well. Trust me when Jaun’s brother is building a house vs. a shed Jaun is going to want the same opportunity.

      The problem for most of you is you are looking at this with the jaded view of entitlement America. The poorest in Honduras are harder working then some of the richest in America. They don’t have food stamps, American stye welfare and government projects to live in. People in Honduras especially in the country side still carve farms out of jungles and build houses from scratch. I have been there, the modern Honduran is more like the colonial American then the modern American.

  11. Hey Jack,
    One use of credit cards we’ve found is home improvement. We have a card that gives us 5% off of all home improvement purchases every day, including sale and clearance items. We’re building a house, which is expensive, but that card has saved us a ton of money. We pay it off every month of course, and don’t have an annual fee. I hate credit cards in general, but this one has been good for us!

  12. I use credit cards as a security buffer. I use them for things I would need a debit / pre-paid card for otherwise, and pay off the full balance each month. When I do a budget, my balance is checking account less credit balance, and that balance is never zero, and usually at least 6 months from zero. I get 1% cash back and no fees for stuff I’d be spending one way or the other.

  13. wood sprouting


    wood-injected garden starting

    wood-rot gardening

    trunk-rot gardening

    stump gardeing

    arboreal hydro-culture (arboreal hydro-cultivating)

    arborculture (arborcultivating)

    stumpculture (stumpcultivating)

    tree-cycle gardening


    limbculture (limbcultivating)

    lumber-culture (lumbercultivating)

    woodculture (woodcultivating)

    wood gardening

    wood catalyzing

    catalytic wood gardening

    wood-enhanced gardening

    wood-energized gardening

    wood-propelled gardening

    wood-driven gardening

    wood-mound gardening


    arboreal terra-building

  14. Does anyone have a link about the benefits of credit cards from a provider (ie: Visa, MasterCard, AMex, etc)?

  15. Jack,
    In regards to comments re: college savings and 529 plans-
    In regards to the 529 plans, you indicated that the money was basically stuck there due to the tax and penalties that come upon withdrawal for non-educational uses. You suggested that a better alternative might be to just put the money aside outside of the 529 and mentioned “custodial “ or “custodian” arrangements for the child’s funds. (Disclaimer : I was listening while tending to the fall garden a couple hours ago so I don’t remember exactly what you said).
    I agree not everyone needs college and therefore not everyone should blindly put money into a “college fund. But, if you want to pursue it and have the means, here are a couple of observations to consider when choosing a special vehicle or ownership structure for a “college fund” :
    If you put money aside in a custodial arrangement for a child, ie UTMA or UGMA depending on your state, you are actually putting it in the child’s name and with the child’s tax ID on the account. The child owns it, but you are custodian for the child’s benefit in the meantime. At one point there was some tax benefit to doing this, but it largely has been offset by more aggressive “kiddie tax” rules over the last 15 years or so. A portion of the income generated in the account is effectively tax free, a portion is taxed at the childs rate (usually lower) but anything over that is taxed at your rate (usually higher). When the child reaches the age of majority under the rules of UTMA or UGMA (more often it is 21 for these, even though the age of majority for most other things is 18), the money is theirs. You as custodian can direct it and control it to some extent until then, but at 21 it is theirs. You don’t give it up on time, the child can force you to do it, I have seen it happen.
    In the 529, the child is the beneficiary of the account, not the owner. The adult, usually the one funding the account, a parent, owns the account. The owner’s tax id is on it, not the child’s. When the child is ready for college, the owner decides if the money will be released. There is no magic age where the beneficiary has any say in the funds. The 18 year old boy might not be ready for college so he goes into the army for a few years, when he is out, maybe you decide he is ready for college and pay from this 529. Tax is deferred until funds are paid and at that time “forgiven” if for qualified education expenses.
    Say the beneficiary child grows up and for whatever reason doesn’t attend college, what then? If there is another child or even a grandchild or niece or nephew that is a college candidate, the owner can change the beneficiary of the 529. The new beneficiary just has to be in the same extended family (in the broadest interpretation) of the original beneficiary- siblings nieces, nephews, stepchildren, parents…a long list. It can even be the owner, ie you the parent. Junior doesn’t go to college after all but his mother wants to become a paramedic or get a nursing degree, name her and pay it towards that (qualified) program without taxes or penalty. There are lots of possibilities in some situations.
    If the 529 is cashed out (or siphoned down over a period of time) and the funds were not directed towards qualified educational expenses, yes, it is taxable, that is, the earnings are. And yes, there is a 10% penalty, again on the earnings, not the principal. The principal or cost is NOT taxed or subjected to penalty as it was not a deductible expense at the time of the contribution. So what does this mean? If the account was funded much earlier and managed to grow a little, the 10% penalty basically just takes away the benefit of the earning on the deferred taxes while in the account. When you get down to it isn’t as onerous as it might seem. Also, if the beneficiary dies, is disabled or doesn’t need the money due to receiving a scholarship, the penalty is waved.
    One limitation is that 529s can ONLY be invested in mutual funds, and only those funds selected by the sponsoring state. You can use another state’s plan if you like the funds there better but might give up a small amount of state tax benefit if you do.
    I’m not suggesting that 529s are the best thing ever, but they have some characteristics that are unique and may be worth considering in some cases…. I didn’t utilize them personally and I managed to get my two kids educated and employed; yrmv.

  16. How about calling our kind of wood use


    or perhaps

    wood-injected-water-banking (wiwb)

  17. dendroculture: raised or sunken garden bed design strategy using buried hydrophilic wood mass reservoirs

    • Great minds must think alike. I just saw this after I posted mine. I like the sound of dendroculture as well, but the language snob in me is hung up on the greek / latin mix up in the roots. I would opt for either lignaculture or dendroponics.

      Maybe it is lignaculture on the ground and dendroponics in containment. That might jive since ponics often has a connotation of being in a container (geoponics for example would be planting in the earth, so even for planting in the ground, ponics is expressed in terms of that which is contained).

      • I like dendroponics, in addition to the morpheme consistency you mentioned, it also has a higher “meme” value than both dendroculture and lignaculture as “-ponics” is well understood in popular vocabulary to mean “growing plants in…”

        I’ve heard of aeroponics, hydroponics, aquaponics, even pee-pee-ponics

  18. I think the only proper word would be:


    dendro- is the greek root used in english for things that use wood for other means (ie dendrochonology is the use of tree rings to set dates to events)

    ponics- from the common use in aquaponics and hydroponics

    In other words, dendroponics is the use of wood as a medium in non-conventional crop cultivation. Sure sounds like what we have done with it.