
Episode-2465- Listener Feedback for 7-8-19 — 2 Comments

  1. Good thing my windows are from the 1920’s.

    Hopefully next year I’ll report back with good news.

    Thanks for the response Jack!


  2. Closed college uses:  Will depend a lot on the cost to rehab.  Similar problem to when a small town closes a hospital, bank, or school.  See most of them sit empty, but some are refit to be apartments, ministorage, workspaces, etc.  Many are in towns to small to become offices, which is why they close… 

    A campus has some advantages though.  The other place I think where there are a lot of people in one space with community space, cooking facilities, landscaping, etc. is adult care/assisted living facilities/nursing homes.  With minimal renovation (enlarge/combine dorm rooms and convert most classrooms to apartments) and you have something nearly spec built for this purpose.  (Other than maybe the athletic stuff. 😉 )