
Episode-1498- If You Don’t Like the World, Wait a Minute, It Will Change — 27 Comments

  1. I have personally met 3 different TSPers in my area, and know of at least 3 others. All within an hour driving. What’s funny is I know there are even more. Effectively my attitude is “If you listen to TSP, I want to talk to to you.”

    • Oligarchs will always do what increases/protects their money/power (their nature)

      Being human, they fear loss more than they long for gain.. ‘If you would persuade, appeal to interest, not to reason.’ – Benjamin Franklin

      So, if attack = loss, they will not attack.

      As for the media, their goal is for you TO WATCH THE MEDIA. The End.

      They will do whatever is necessary to increase the number of eyeballs focused on them, from exaggeration, to psychological manipulation, to outright lies.

      As Will Durant says: ‘We think there’s more violence in the world than before, but in truth there are only more newspapers.’

      ‘The News’ is a sitcom.. a really crappy sitcom, that like all sitcoms, fills your brain with lies about the nature of reality.

      You can have a 1200 sq ft New York apartment and designer clothes.. by being a barista! You can change the nature of government, by VOTING!

      Turn it off. Get some fresh air. Think.

      • “As Will Durant says: ‘We think there’s more violence in the world than before, but in truth there are only more newspapers.’”

        Totally. I talk about this all the time with people. News continually shapes our view of the world and particularly the “scarcities”.

    • ‘People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.’
      – Emma Goldman

  2. Here’s an idea for consideration. A virtual nation where the key purpose is education and based on the ethics and principles of permaculture.

  3. Jack, it seems to me that the word profit has become twisted like the word fascism. Just like fascism has been twisted to mean concentration camps and Nazis instead of an economic system in which government and industry work together to benefit each other at the expense of the people, profit has been twisted to mean extortion, instead of making money by serving a customer who *agrees to give you said money,* thereby furthuring your ability to serve more customers.
    I suppose in a free market system the second definition is true, but in a fascist economy where industry buys legislators to pass regulations that quash competition, the first one is much more true because it takes out the “agrees to give you said money” part.

    • DEFINITION of ‘Profit’
      A financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity. Any profit that is gained goes to the business’s owners, who may or may not decide to spend it on the business.

      The form of government, or the ‘free-ness’ of a marketplace, in no way changes the definition of the word profit.

      Profit is mathematically defined. Income – Expenses = Profit

      Where people like to complain is in their VALUE JUDGEMENTS about profits ie.
      ‘They’re making too much profit.’
      ‘The amount of profit being made is UNFAIR’

      So, the problem isn’t with the ‘profit’ part. NOTHING that is unprofitable can continue.. it will become bankrupt and cease to exist. And anything that is only marginally profitable will be wiped out when an additional stress is placed upon it.

      Saved Profit (surplus) = Increased Likelihood of Survival

      • That definition is accurate but only one definition. Not all profit need be monetary for it to be a profit.

        The word is also defined as “to gain an advantage or benefit”.

        While I have no problem with monetary profits I think that when people believe in that one dimensional view of the word they seldom truly profit much in their lives. It is sort of like saying math is only addition and subtraction and leaving out multiplication and division.

        Perhaps I should have pointed out the root of the word, literally means “to be of service”?

        • That’s investopedia’s definition. It was selected because @UnentitledMillenial was suggesting that profit becomes extortion in a facist state.

          Those two are not in the same category, so lumping them together makes clear thought about them impossible.

          1. Often, profits.
          a. pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction.
          Compare gross profit, net profit.
          b. the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested.
          c. returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments.

          2. the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials, etc.:
          The company works on a small margin of profit.
          3. advantage; benefit; gain.

          The final definition is where the ‘overlap’ occurs, and @U..M transfers meaning:

          verb (used with object)
          to get (something desired), especially as a result of one’s efforts:
          to gain possession of an object; to gain permission to enter a country.
          to acquire as an increase or addition:
          to gain weight; to gain speed.
          to obtain as a profit:
          He gained ten dollars by this deal.
          to win; get in competition:
          to gain the prize.
          to win (someone) to one’s own side or point of view; persuade (sometimes followed by over):
          to gain supporters.
          (of a watch or clock) to run fast by (a specified amount):
          My watch gains six minutes a day.
          to reach, especially by effort; get to; arrive at:
          to gain one’s destination.

          In this case ‘gain’ may be the more useful word. (Always IMHO)

        • @Modern – reread your reply..
          Was not suggesting that ‘gain’ is limited to ‘monetary gain’ =)

          I imagine (I could be wrong), that most listeners to this show, don’t make that mistake.

          Where are you investing your time and energy?
          My opinion:
          Your own health..
          then loved ones (family + friends)
          then community (contribution thru business + volunteerism)
          then pleasure (whatever that means to you).

          If you do it in any other order, you may run out of ‘assets’ (time/energy/money) to invest.

          Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

  4. What I’m wondering here- in regards to the ‘create your own opportunity’ concept and the McDonalds vs Chick fil A [and Walmart vs Costco]- is how that worker who ‘doesn’t suck’ demonstrates that to the next step up employer. How one would go about marketing themselves in that scenario to ‘get a better job if they tried.’

  5. Love the show! My house gets cleaner with the long shows. The buds go in and I keep moving.

  6. Great topic and really timely. I was just looking for, and emailed a request for, something similar to the show about a year ago on coming shifts (episode 1038- Understanding the coming shifts in society). Awesome awesome

    • Agreed. One of the best I’ve heard. I’m sending to friends and family as a sort of life primer. You do an amazing job of organizing your thoughts and seeing the bigger picture, Jack.

  7. Jack,
    I am a relatively new listener so I do not know much of your resume besides what I found on the TSP wiki. Today while listening to your comments on education I found myself wondering about your education background. A quick google search turned up few results so I was wondering if you could expound on your personal experiences with formal education. I am struggling with interpreting your bias on this issue and as I have not found (or been a listener long enough to have heard) your “schooling” background, I cannot digest your thoughts on education. Thank you!

    • Short answer I went to High School, I graduated with a class rank of 29 out of about 455, not bad hey? 1020 on the SATs when that was a bad ass score by the way. Proctored IQ of 163. Today I am 100% grateful that I never went to college (though I have been a guest speaker at MIT, Harvard and Princeton). My bias about formal education is that it sucks, it programs people to conform. It has fundamentally limited uses such as engineering, advanced biology, medical disciplines, legal disciplines, etc.

      I have been an employer more of my life than I have been an employee, I have interviewed, hired and fired hundreds of people. I have never once hired a person with a marketing degree that could market (unless they learned after they got out of school with experience), I have spoke to MBAs that don’t know a thing about business. Clear enough?

      The educational system of today is a relic of the 1880s, it came from Prussia (modern day Germany). It is designed to stratify people into three levels.

      1. Average idiot
      2. Slightly above average idiots
      3. High End Professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.)

      This means if you follow modern protocol you will end up 9 times out of 10 relegated to idiot or slightly above there of. This will happen unless you are in the top 10%. If you are top ten percent you are going to excel if you want to even without a degree like me. So the only reason to go to college is if you know what you want to do and a degree is truly required for it. Note TRULY.

      What I mean is I had two jobs that as posted required a Masters degree, one that required specifically an MBA or higher, as posted. Yet I got all three jobs, extracted all they could teach me and quit them and moved on. Why? It was in MY best interest to do so. Education is important, school isn’t unless it is directly applicable to a goal, it is that simple. It isn’t bias that I have, it is simply an honest and informed opinion about an outdated and dying system.

      If you wish to even begin to understand the truth about school vs. education, please start here,

      • Thank you for your quick reply. I also am not questioning the concept of school vs. education and thank you for the youtube link I enjoyed it. I believe that understanding anyone’s comments always requires a rough idea of their resume in the area they are speaking to. Bias is also an inescapable reality: plenty of people can’t see past the end of their own nose and assuming that one can is the first indication that they can’t.

        Now: In my brief time as a TSP listener I have understood the first priority of your message to be personal responsibility. Listening to your comments, I believe too little emphasis was placed on the responsibility of students (even young children) to make the most of the education opportunities available to them.

        Those opportunities include the school classroom, a textbook, the internet, their grandma, etc. I agree with what you wrote above that only the top 10% of people seem to do this. A major issue I see with both private and public school systems (include specialized private schools like a dance academy, or martial arts as you mentioned) isn’t how the actual teaching of the material but the existence and adherence to standards requiring students to have learned what was taught. Too many students are just passed through with demonstrating that they have learned anything (received the education).

        Failure is necessary if objectives aren’t meet…just like you discussed in this podcast about why jobs exist. As an aside, I was astounded that you spent as much time on that concept as you did. I honestly cannot believe that anywhere near a majority of people would hold such an asinine view. Especially when most people have held a job, been a member of a team, or at least of a community.

        This isn’t localized to the job environment: If you don’t perform you are benched. or fired. (If you sign up to bring a coffee cake to church and then don’t bring it people will scold you and next time you sign up the keeper of the list will plan to bring an item just-in-case you forget again because you have proven failure.)

        In school you get passed to the next grade because the school system (not the teachers) doesn’t want to deal with it. Students can pay to go to college and actually earn the degree if they pay enough money or throw enough time at it to get through the program. This is a disservice to those individuals who earn degrees this way because they are only prepared to failure in the workplace where results are paramount.

        Real success breeds success. It is a learned skill and unfortunatly most people do not have a self interest in learning and were never incentivized to do so by school systems apathetic to failure vs. success. Being an educated individual means that you can think critically and can find success. Thank you for sharing and for your podcasts – I’m glad to have found TSP.

        • @Kim for the love of God please learn to use the return key and put in some paragraph breaks in long comments as I did for you. Wow trying to read a jumble of text like that is hard. I did get this part out of it.

          “I believe too little emphasis was placed on the responsibility of students (even young children) to make the most of the education opportunities available to them. ”

          Well as that relates to the Public school system, I personally feel the fist duty of parents at this point is to remove their child from said same to the furthermost degree that law and circumstances allow. The public education system is a dying beast, there is currently little to nothing redemptive about it. I don’t want the public school system fixed, I want it obsoleted and abolished.

          As to the student being responsible for learning, it has been discussed many times. That said, good teachers have no problems with that. No one wants to learn or is more motivated to learn than a child. My 4 year old grandson (barely four) currenty reads better than most kids who have completed kindergarten. Why? Well hells bells there is an app for that. So a 4.99 iPad app just replaced a year in kindergarten that taxpayers currently shell out about 12K-24K a year for PER STUDENT.

          I have absolutely ZERO love or affection for public schools. Not due to bias but due to a fundamental understanding of facts and seeing the direct results of children who were self directed and guided learners.

          As to my resume, read the wiki, that’s it if it isn’t enough for you, sorry. I have work to do.

    • I have a family full of “teachers”. Some good. Some not. I have some college under my belt – an associates degree and some certificates. Although the degree has helped me get a job, VERY little of it has helped me DO my job.
      In my career as a student, I have known professors with PHD in education who couldn’t teach a baby to poop. One of the best professors I ever had had only a b.s. degree.
      One thing I know about teaching . . . Education alone does not make a teacher. You need experience and, most of all, heart and a passion for the subject. Common sense goes a long way, too.
      The education system in America is broken. Government has do this. They keep stuffing rooms full of boys and girls together. Boys think differently than girls. Thus is scientific fact. Studys show that boys learn differently from girls and that results are much better when the classroom is segregated by gender. Studies show that boys need more activity than girls. The education system in America ignores these studies and many more and continue to dumb down our kids.

      • I would argue that teaching is an ART. And as such the best a school can do is to teach you the rudimentary skills that you will then need to PRACTICE to proficiency.

        The knowledge of an art, without being practiced until mastery is reached, is worthless (IMO).

        Here we get into the difference between how the free market treats the practitioner of an art, and how ‘the system’ treats them.

        ‘The System’ cares only that you’ve jumped through the designated hoops and have the piece of paper (credentialing and licensing).

        ‘The Market’ rewards an artist based upon the artists EXHIBITED skill, and ability to market said skill in the marketplace.

        So.. you have ‘teachers’ that have never left the apprenticeship phase (credentialed but unpracticed).. and you have teachers that are MASTERS of the ART of teaching.

        Guess which ones I LOVE? Guess which ones I find offensive? 😉

        • If you think of this in terms of the ART of playing a musical instrument..

          Imagine the difference between the student who’s been taught the MECHANICS of the instrument.. but has yet to practice – vs – the artist who has diligently and intelligently practiced their instrument for 10k hours.

          Which sounds better?