
Episode-1731- Business Concepts, Mead Making and Bullshit Inoculation — 21 Comments

  1. I am in full agreement with you that not a single one of the candidates, either side, is worth voting for. I don’t agree with Sanders as President simply because he may be the next shoe to drop after 8 years of the Marxist. I don’t think there will be grid lock but rather more of the same, possibly worse.

    Better not to pay attention. Good idea. It’s a who cares situation because they are all liars during the campaign and do whatever benefits the “owners” as Carlin used to put it and completely ignore the voters who put them into office (Allegedly anyway, with voter fraud who really knows?).

    On the other hand, he might be the best choice because he will create more chaos and push along the process of our decline to collapse faster rather than drag it out as they are doing now.

    Supreme Court? We lost the Constitution when the delegates at the ratification conventions ignored the clear warnings of the Anti-Federalists that the court would be vested with Supreme power to determine in all cases that come before them what the Constitution should mean. Now 5 men or women control the interpretation of what is Constitutional when some vested interest wants to press their case.

    I give you Obamacare as a recent example of the uselessness of the Supreme Court in following the Constitution. Blame the framers and the ratifiers for the erosions that have occurred over time to dismantle the supposed intent of “limited government”.

    Now we have a government with no limits and a debt with no end until collapse. Thanks framers for giving us the biggest loophole- the Supreme Court.

    Constitution? What Constitution? Oath of office? A veritable joke these days just like the elections. Frankly, I’m considering not even bothering to vote. Why waste the time when no matter who gets nominated will be toxic for the country anyway regardless of party or so-called liberal – conservative label.

    Nice song. Strikes a chord with me for sure.

  2. Really fantastic podcast, Jack! I will send you an e-mail about it, but you hit three heads with one swing. The last 15 minutes (especially the close) of this show just…..well, I’ll just e-mail you. Really, really powerful.

    Let’s get shit done.
    New MSB Memeber

  3. RE your thoughts on Bernie winning….

    I said nearly the exact same thing to my ladyfriend the night go the NH primary. With Bernie as president and a R congress, not much will get done. And thats a good thing for America. Less damage. Kinda like when DC gets a blizzard. No one is working there and there is less time for them to figure out how to make our lives miserable.

  4. After teaching entrepreneurship to high school students, and applying COGS to various scenarios again and again, there’s always that one kid… “I don’t understand Cost of Good Souls…” Ahhh, here we go again.

    🙂 I love my job; at least the students never ask, “when are we ever going to need to know this?”

  5. Jack, How does labor factor into your duck egg business. At $700 a month above feed costs you could pay yourself about $10 an hour if you could run the business for 2.5 hours per day. How does your actual time spent compare to this?

    • It certainly isn’t podcasting money but I spend very little time, if I didn’t have to dump the pools it would be minutes a day.

      Perhaps me 15 minutes and Dorothy 45 a day, at the top end.

      As they are integrated into our system though it isn’t that linear. The first year we moved in on the parts of the land that grow grass I had to cut grass every two weeks in spring and summer and early fall. In the last two seasons I cut may be two small high patches that they refused to browse I mean like 20×10 sections. They fertilize everything, so no money spent on that. They control pests we went from a hopper Apocalypse in year one to almost none to be found by last summer.

      Also remember scale? The only thing that would take more time if we had 200 more ducks would be collecting and washing eggs. Taking care of 50 ducks or 250 is really about the same.

  6. I reckon I’m a Buffet fan because The Captain and the Kid has always been one of my favorite songs. I had the misfortune recently of being within earshot of someone who wouldn’t shut up about the ass clown circus. This guy was pushing 60 and it was, “Bill Mohr this..” and “Jon Stewart that…” and he was supporting Clinton. Sucked into the circus and carrying on loudly about the most completely useless bunch of crap I’ve heard anyone over thirty espouse in a long time. All of this noise and caterwauling in a state (GA) that a democrat has absolutely, positively, not a chance in hell of even coming close to winning! They can count the votes RIGHT NOW and know where the money will have to be spent regardless of the candidate. It’s a dog and pony show, nothing else or if you like an ass-clown circus.

    • I also didn’t mention Rubio, Christie, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, Jeb, Kasich or anyone else with not a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

      You are down to four probables ALREADY just like always, it is what it is.

  7. Jack, I hope you’ll reply to this…

    … can you please either do a show or provide a link teaching how to build social capital?

    This is something I don’t know shit about and it seems pretty important.

  8. The San Antonio Express quoted Poindexter who opened the door to Scalia’s room that he was found with a pillow over his head. A very bizarre comment and more bizarre that no autopsy was done.

    • A 79 year old fat guy dies. Not exactly unexpected!

      Covering your head with a pillow, I do this all the time. You’d think if a stealth assassin snuck in and did the deed so perfectly no one noticed, that he’d of been smart enough to take the pillow off the guys face.

      Occums razor.

    • Long time friend of the show and chronic listener of Glenn Beck, parrots Beck and Cruz to me all the time in defending Cruz. Willing to ignore that Cruz’s wife is a VP for Goldman Sachs, former Bush staffer and former member of the CFR.

      Also that Cruz was a political NO ONE until he hooked up with her. LOL

      He is a good friend, seriously but still believes in the system really going nuts with the Supreme Court thing now! Jose you and he would get along well.

  9. This election cycle is going to be a disaster no matter who gets elected. I have become so disgruntled with the state of our political system, I have simply given up. I spent almost half my life pretty deeply entrenched in our fed gov system in one form or another.

    I constantly get asked by friends and their friends at gatherings my opinion of the current election pool of candidates. I take my Libertarian stance and experience working in and around both sides, as they both suck and we are screwed. What surprises me the most is the lack of knowledge of the background of the candidates. One such person who has not worked in 20 plus years, and that was part time, and has no experience or real knowledge in how our political system works, berated me and said I have no clue what I was talking about when I said old Bernie was no outsider. Never mind the fact he has been in politics for 45 years, which didn’t seem to sink in to this individual. I think for me the most insulting part, was someone who is completely clueless, telling me who has decades of fed gov experience working with these ass clowns, that I didn’t know what I was talking about. That is the biggest problem today is the average American is a complete arrogant idiot. The clueless are the voting majority today, and I just don’t see a way to fix that. I think it will only change when their stupidity starts to effect them directly, but I don’t think that will even matter.

  10. granite city brewery makes a whiskey infused scotch ale my understanding is that they take the oak dowels and let them sit in whiskey for 2 weeks then put them into the beer. When I asked if they did this in the primary fermentation process or the secondary they wouldn’t tell me but I got the feeling that it was during the primary.

    Man I gotta tell you this is one of the best beers you will ever drink. It’s called up your kilt if you get a chance try one.

  11. Jack,
    Do you have a specific URL for Three Flowers Blend. My Googlefu is weak.


    • You have to make it yourself, equal parts of elder flower, chamomile flower and heather flower.

      You can get those many places but the best I have found is Mountain Rose Herbs.

    • Ok. Got it. Just went back and watched episode 1. I misunderstood the first time.
